3. Paths intertwine.

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Why are you being so mean?" Izuku was shaking as he stood between the crying child and his former friend. "You're making her cry, Kacchan! If you keep on hurting her..." He brought his trembling fists up in front of him. "Uh, I'll uh, I'll stop you myself!" Izuku had found Bakugou beating up a kid in the park who was on a piece of playground equipment that he wanted to use.

Bakugou looked smug, a cruel grin growing on his face."You wanna pretend to be a hero?" He smashed his fist into his open hand, sparking an explosion. "You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku."

Timeskip because this is painful

Izuku groaned, flat on the ground. Kacchan and his lackeys had beaten him up and left. The girl, whom he had defended, was still standing there, unsure of what to do.

"Hey, are you okay? " She asked. "Why did you help me? You know you can't defeat him, so why did you interfere? "

"Meddling where one doesn't need to is the True Mark of a hero. " Izuku mumbled out. He got up, slowly, and gave her one of his trillion-watt smiles that always cheered everyone up. She giggled. "My name is intelli saiko. What's yours? "

" Midoriya izuku. "

"So, Izuku, do you wanna be friends? "

He beamed, "sure, intelli"

"Call me saiko"

That was the best day in Izuku's life, because that day he gained a true friend.

But like all good things, it didn't last.


It had been a year since the playground incident. Saiko and izuku were fast friends. They met every day at the park. Saiko was his only friend throughout all that, but she was a damn good one. The y were going to be friends, forever and always.

And nothing would change that.

Or so they thought.

After a happy year of fun and happiness, Saiko's parents decided to shift to a different city. Saiko had to go with them. She and Izuku vowed to meet again one day.

And thus, our protagonist (?) Was once again left alone.


Today is another sunny day in Musutafu.

As usual, izuku leaves his house, bidding his sweet mother goodbye. On the way to school, he walks by tatooin station, and sees a villain with some kind of Gigantification quirk rampaging, with a new pro hero, kamui woods, trying to restrain him, while another hero, death arms, avoiding collateral damage, and the rescue hero backdraft keeping the onlookers at a safe distance. Kamui woods was about to use his famed lacquered chain prison, when suddenly, a new hero, Mt. Lady, crashed the scene, quite literally, taking him out instantly.

While all this was going on, Izuku was furiously taking notes, his pen flying across the paper, filling up pages upon pages while muttering up a storm.

He then realised that he was getting late, and rushed to school.


Evening. Last period

"So...as third year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives!" The teacher declared. "I could pass out some career aptitude tests but..." The teacher snatched up papers as Izuku looked up from his notebook. "Why bother? Ha! I know you all want to go down the hero track!" All the students began to cheer and show off their quirks.

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