7. Mamadoriya is scary as hell

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Izuku came home from school one day, looking a bit down, his clothes scuffed and dirty and inko realised she had been bullied again.

"Hey, izumi. How  was school today? "

She looked around at inko in the living room, and inko could sense the deep hurt in her eyes.
"Bullies bothering you again? "
She paused for a moment, and then nodded.
"What did the teachers do? "
She really wanted to avoid saying anything, but her mother's voice was compelling.
"They, uhm... They did nothing. They.. Just stood by and watched."


"It has come to my notice that izuku is being bullied at school. " Inko said, voice eerily steady and a pleasant smile on her face, and yet, the principal's smile faded, and an overwhelmingly suffocating aura of terror surrounded the principal like a heavy cloak. (It was inko's quirk. She was squeezing on him subconsciously .)

"I haven't any idea about what you are talking about, miss. " The principal offered. He knew inko midoriya to be a nervous and rather unconfident individual, despite her profession as a lawyer, and hoped to use that to his advantage. (He's in for a very rude, and extremely scarring awakening.)

"Oh, I think you do, principal. I think you know of all the bullying that has been going on all this years, and even encouraged it, because izuku is quirkless, and you didn't want to taint the reputation of your  students, in his favor. "

The principal started sweating profusely, becoming steadily more uncomfortable under inko's gaze. "I assure you, miss, nothing of that sort has hap-" Inko used her quirk on his voice box, giving it the slightest tug.

"I assume you are aware of what my quirk is, principal. I can 'pull' on small objects. Small objects such as your internal organs, " He felt a tug at his stomach, " Your vocal chords, " He felt a dull ache in his throat, " Or, your brain. " He gulped, just realizing how much of a threat midoriya inko was.

And then he was promptly slammed into the wall and pinned there.

"Now, listen to me carefully, Ayabaru Setsujirou. You and your staff will try your damnedest to prevent any harm to my child, and if I see even a single bruise or burn on him, I have more than enough evidence to burn this school to the ground and then stomp on the ashes. " She smiled wider, voice level and sweet as ever, her eyes shadowed over by her hair, only a poisonous green glint visible underneath, and the Principal realized that his dreams will forever be haunted by that smile.

Inko let loose a terrifying smile; one too wide to be normal and with too many teeth to not be horrifying. An intense bloodlust filled the room, and the people going past the principal's office felt an icy chill down their spines.

"Let me put this bluntly, principal. Your soul belongs to me, and if you wish to evade hell's fury, you'll guard my son with your life. "

The principal by this point looked like his soul had really been removed. He could only faintly nod, still pinned to the wall. Inko nodded, and her smile relaxed slightly, and he was unceremoniously dropped from the wall.

"That'll be all, principal. I'll take my leave now. " Inko smiled, and opened the door. "Have a nice day! " She said cheerily, and politely closed the door behind her.

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