5. Life gets better and better

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After that daring plan I and shido pulled on kacchan, I'm surprised we both haven't still gotten our heads turned to burnt mash yet.

Kacchan seems a lit quieter in class nowadays. He also stopped bullying me. We actually sit together at lunch now, along with shido.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how kacchan went from tormentor to aggressive guard dog/protective big brother in a single day. He keeps threatening to blow people up if they bad mouth me. It's like I suddenly got an aggressively overprotective brother.

Anyway, in other big news, apparently, shido's a big geek too!

Whereas I focus on heroes and their quirks, breaking down abilities on the fly, his specialty is more like getting to know the quirk as intimately as possible, and then finding uses and augments to them. He's also apparently smart all around as well. I saw one of his notebooks (he has notebooks like me!) And they were filled with scientific formulae and blueprints and logs and notes on quirks and support items and-

Well, you get the idea. He has a lot of stuff.

"I still haven't been able to figure out his quirk yet. He has wolf ears and a tail, but also shows traits of other animals. He once turned his arms into wings and flew when we were training at the forest near the park. Apparently when he does that, his radius and ulna split apart at the elbow while staying connected at the wrist, and the hair on his arms converts to feathers to turn his arms into wings. His bones are apparently hollow, but super strong, so that they don't break easily, but still are light enough. This would suggest at an animal shifter based ability. "

"But, on the other hand, he made a platform of air on the day we met. (Oh, such happy memories 😋) . And He also made explosions like kacchan, using some sort of pyrokinesis while sparring with him. This would suggest at an elemental ability, and that would be that, but it doesn't explain how he managed to punch through a tree in the forest last week, or how he was able to create a sentient tree creature the other day. Or summon a giant body about half the size of mount lady"

"Also, people don't have two quirks. "

"Could it be self-manipulation quirk? That would explain the shifting features but not the other stuff he can do. I wonder i-"

"Shut it, nerd! It's getting real annoying!! "

Right. Mumbling.

Though I'm surprised they let me ramble this long.

"Sure, kacchan. "

Honestly, I'm really happy we're friends again, just like we were before our quirks. I-

"Nerd! You coming to the forest for practice today? "

"H-huh? Oh. Right. Sure kacchan!"

"What about you, shido? "

He turned up, away from his teriyaki chicken noodles he had been silently slurping away at.

Shido usually doesn't talk much unless necessary, so we end up (I end up. Kacchan does nothing) trying to pull him in the conversation and asking him his opinions. Otherwise he would just go with whatever we say.

"Hmm? Sure. What time? "

Izuku nodded. "Say, how about... An hour before sunset? "

"Sure.will we be meeting sageru-chan over there? "

Sageru was one of their training partners. They met her one day while parkouring among the tree branches, each of us trying to catch and knock the other two out of the tree.

It was shido's idea. I had no part in it.

Eventually, we ended up at a little creek, where we found a pale, androgynous looking, lean, but muscular girl with straight,short blond hair, and greyish blue eyes, about our age, paper birds floating lazily in the air around her, seemingly under their own power.

Needless to say, I had a major nerd episode.

That day, we gained a new training partner, friend, and training spot.

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