4. The forgotten

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At the center of a subterranean labyrinth, deep below the surface of a city in Japan, a room lies, with a plethora of equipment surrounding a large opaque tube.

The beams holding the ceiling up, now exposed due to time, were starting to creak and groan under the strain, and abruptly, from a well-placed hit from a villain, on managed to snap free.

A single small metal rod whirled towards the chamber, hitting and cracking the frosted glass and releasing a stream of frozen pressurized gas from within.

All at once the machine’s centuries-long slumbering system screen lit up and came alive again with a warning, "Systems Failing. Cryogenics Offline. Containment Offline. Back Up Protocols Ineffective"

Long-ago closed vents started to turn back on, slowly raising the temperature and evaporating the frost on the glass, revealing the concealed figure's face.

"Attempting To Redirect Systems And Reconnect Cryogenics. Searching For Alternate Solutions."

"Attempt Failed. No Alternatives Found. Full Reawakening Initiated. Awakening In T-minus 0.4 Hours."

Jade Green eyes suddenly snapped open and a being took their first breath in over four hundred years.

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