You are my hero

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She abruptly woke up to find she wasn't where she went to sleep. She was in the stands and her head was leaning on someone's shoulder. The beautiful girl looked up at them and saw Katsuki. "Idiot, you know you're gonna want to watch this fight to be mindful where you take naps." she nodded as she watched deku come out the tunnel and stand on the platform. "VS. SORRY HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO STAND OUT YET! FROM GENERAL STUDIES ITS HITOSHI SHINSO!" she screams out to them both. "I'm rooting for you two! Don't hold back!" hitoshi held a ghost of a smile on his face and deku gave the girl a curt nod. "The rules are simple, force your opponent out of the ring or immobilize them. You can also win by making the other say 'I give up'. Bring on the pain! Because we got recovery girl on standby. Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! Yet of course anything life threatening is crap!"

"Ready!?" microphone yelled. "Start."

Neither moved, he was trying to provoke deku into speaking. His quirk only worked if deku talked to him. Smart but ojiro warned him. She stood and walked over to the rail, and grip onto it. "He was pretty dumb for throwing away his chance don't you think?" deku grit his teeth and walked towards hitoshi. "What did you say?"

'oh what an idiot, you deserve to lose for that one deku. You were warned and yet still fell for it.'

Hitoshi grinned as deku stopped walking. "I win." shinso said. "Hey hey hey what's the matter? This is the important first match! Liven things up will ya!" she gripped the rail tightly and lean forward. "Midoriya the match just started and he's already frozen!? He has a blank look on his face and isn't moving a muscle! Is that shinso's quirk!" She squeezed the rail tighter. "Hey! Sit down you're messing up the rail." katsuki scolded and she let go of the now bent and disfigured rail. "He didn't stand out before but could that possibly be the potential of a great student!"

"You're lucky that you have been blessed midoriya. Now turn around and walk out of bounds." deku does as told and slowly walks towards the edge of the ring. "HUH! Midoriya is being so obedient!" He walked so slowly that every step echoed in the girl's skull. Her heart beat just a little faster as he got closer and closer to the edge. She wanted to scream out but decided against it. 'I'm happy either way' She tried to chant that in her head.

"You probably don't understand, but even with a quirk like this I have dreams."

"Now, lose for me." deku's foot made it over the line but all of a sudden a gust of wind went flowing in front of deku which seemed to snap him out of the brainwashing before his foot could touch the ground. Does that not count? She was stunned till she saw his purple and bruised finger. "Midoriya stopped!" The crowd went crazy but she felt dread seep in. "Why? You should not be able to move freely! What did you do!?" hitoshi asked but deku put a hand over his mouth. They stared at each other before Hitoshi spoke. "Say something."


"You were able to produce that much power from your fingers? I'm jealous." Silence, Deku started to walk towards him while holding his wrist. "Thanks to my quirk, I've been behind from the start. Someone as blessed as you cant understand can you?" the vamps chest ached more at the fact that she didn't understand. "Someone like you who is born with the ideal quirk! Someone who can reach your goal!" At this point deku is sprinting to the boy. When he got close he started to push hitoshi out of the ring. "Say something!" he punched deku in the face but deku continued to push. When they got close to the edge, hitoshi punched deku in the fingers and it caused the boy to halt. Hitoshi then took the chance to push deku away and look at him. "You've got to be kidding! You get out!" hitoshi desperately pushed against deku and got him close to being pushed out yet deku grabbed the boys arm and flung him over his shoulder which made hitoshi's feet go outside the ring. He laid on his back for a moment. "Midoriya progresses through to the next round."

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