Part 7

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June 17, 2020
To: TraceySugg
From: Suggyyy
Subject: Sunday

Hi Mum,

Just wanted to confirm Di and I are going to be to your place on Sunday by noon. I can already taste the roast...Di just told me to stop drooling on my computer.

Also I don't know why I'm still emailing you. Weird pandemic habits die hard, I guess.

Love ya,


June 17, 2020
To: Suggyyy
From: TraceySugg
Subject: Re: Sunday

Can't wait to see you both! I got out the good china, even though you're making us eat in the garden. Honestly, you two have both been quarantined for months now, I don't see why I can't shower my son's first girlfriend with a true British roast, dining table, china and all!

But I guess if this is the only way I'll get you out to Wiltshire, I'll follow your rules.

Does Dianne like wine?

Love, Mum

June 17, 2020
To: TraceySugg
From: Suggyyy
Subject: Re: Re: Sunday

Yes, she likes wine.

And it's FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY Mum!!!!

June 17, 2020
To: ZoeSugg
From: Suggyyy
Subject: Mum

Mum is losing it. She's taking her good china outside to make sure Dianne gets a "proper British roast" experience.

Are you sure you can't sneak out of Brighton to save us?! We're allowed up to six in a gathering group, I just checked.

June 17, 2020
To: Suggyyy
From: ZoeSugg
Subject: Re: Mum


You finally feel the wrath of the first girlfriend visit. When I brought Alfie home the first time, I thought Mum was going to have a heart attack from pure excitement.

Also I can't come because Mark is visiting from London, but can you ask Di to call me? Maybe after the visit. I don't want to freak her out pre-Tracey. I want to buy that perfume you got me for my birthday for Poppy and I also want to ask her about that cute jumper she had on the other day. 

Thanks, love ya bro.


June 17, 2020
To: ZoeSugg
From: Suggyyy
Subject: Re: Re: Mum

First of all, you're evil.

Second, call her yourself. I know you guys talk all the time, you bloody girlfriend stealer :)

June 18, 2020
To: CasparLee
From: Suggyyy
Subject: Wiltshire

Hey buddy, how do you feel about a trip down to Wiltshire for a delicious Sunday roast???

June 18, 2020
To: Suggyyy
From: CasparLee
Subject: Re: Wiltshire

Stop emailing me, this is not 2003!!

And no, deal with your mum on your own. She's lovely. She'll love Dianne. Everyone loves Dianne. Even me. 

June 18, 2020
To: CasparLee
From: Suggyyy
Subject: Re: Re: Wiltshire

I know my mum will love Dianne, but will Dianne love her?!

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