Chapter 10: (USJ Part 2)

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Needless to say, the thugs had no chance against him. It didn't matter if their quirks boosted their speed, strength, intelligence, or really anything. Anything they could do, Izuku could do better.

Quirks that had weaponlike capabilities were also inferior. Even if an attack managed to connect, it would do next to nothing to Izuku. He could simply absorb and regenerate anything.

Eventually the last of Izuku's enemies were brought to the ground without him even breaking a sweat. Aizawa had finished off his bout of villains as well, and they faced what seemed like the main villains.

Tomura Shigaraki and the bird thing.

"Mr. Aizawa, what now?" He asked, trying to come up with a plan of attack.

"I'll take handface over there. You take the monster. Think you can do that?"

"Hell yeah!"


Oh how very wrong he was. Izuku dashed forward, and even with his extreme speed, the bird brain delivered one single blinding punch that sent Izuku flying into the mountain regions. He flipped in mid air a few times, and landed with a thud on the ground.

"So that's how they can beat All Might... Fuck..." He said to himself, while slowly standing up. 

First Person POV

Speed became practically irrelevant with that monster. It didn't matter how fast you were, cause that... that thing, was stronger in every category. I jumped over the lake and charged back at it, summoning a blade. The beast wasn't watching me, so I used it as an opportunity to attack.

Only then did I realize why it wasn't attacking. It was pounding our teacher into the ground!

"AUGHHHHHH!!" I screamed in fury as I jumped and dove a blade right into the back of the bird.

"SCREEEECH!!!" It belted in pain. I quickly detached my self, grabbed Mr. Aizawa and ran as fast as I could up the stairs. By now, I wasn't the only one who was in the middle. A few of the other students had made it back from the other areas. Asui and Mineta ran up to me while I was setting Aizawa down, and I looked to them for help.

"I need you two to take care of him. The fight isn't over yet." I told them.

"Your going back into the fight?! Are you crazy?!!" Mineta asked me, giving me a look of fear and confusion.

"I have to. They need to be defeated. Asui, can you also alert the rest of the faculty for backup?"

"*Kero* Iida is already on his way to U.A. to do that. We'll take care of Mr. Aizawa *Kero*," 

"Ok, good. I'll try and hold them off until the teachers arrive."

The plan was set, and I jumped back down the stair and to the middle, facing the two opponents. My thought was, If I don't attack the bird, it may not attack me, so I charged for Shigaraki. One second I was swinging a punch, and the next, I was flying through the air again.

'That fucking bastard. I can't land a hit without killing the bird!' I thought as I landed, and started running back.

"HAHAHAHA!!! There is no chance whatsoever that you could beat my Nomu!! He was created to defeat All Might!!" Shigaraki taunted me.

"So what? That just means I have to be as strong as All Might!!!" I retorted. There was just one little problem with that.

'Toxin how are we supposed to be as strong as All Might?'

'Well, Izuku, I've been thinking about One for All for a little bit, and I think I have an idea of how we can better control it.'

'Ok?? What is it??'

'I think if we have the power circulating through our entire body at a lower percentage, we'll be able to control it. Also, I think it's a good way for us to not become all big and gross if we use it.'


I imagined the power as a similar construct to Toxin, where it would engulf me completely, and suddenly, I felt boosted. I felt lighter, but more durable. Stronger and faster.

Simply put, powerful.

Of course, it wasn't quite the same level of power as One for All at 100%, but it was still surreal. I looked down, and the veins that circled my liquid body were glowing, and an even brighter, red-orange glow was surrounding me.

With the new found power, I was confident in my ability to hold off the freak show until the big guns were there, so I initiated my frontal assault. Right off the bat, I could tell that I was at least twice, if not coming close to three times as fast as I was originally.

Each of my slashes were sent with much more force, my reaction times were faster, and I was overall a far more dangerous and formidable opponent.

The difference in general was small though, with the nomu being so incredibly proficient in every category. Each time I sent a slash, it would simply be healed up without worry or trouble. I could withstand punches a bit more, but that wasn't saying much, and my speed was still way below his.

A lot of other students had made their way out, and were spectating my fight. I knew Bakugo wasn't out yet because he would've joined the fight immediately if he was. I was growing concerned that the teachers weren't going to come.

Blocking the nomu's attacks was becoming increasingly difficult, and I was beginning to get knocked back a ton. Shigaraki was just laughing in the background, taunting me which wasn't fun either. 

After gaining about 20 feet of distance, I formed a large shield with one hand and a long cleaver in the other. I ran at the beast with the shield in front of me and tanked a huge punch from it, but I managed to dig into the ground and stay put. While the nomu was distracted by my block, I used the cleaver in an uppercut motion and tore the middle of it's body wide open.

"DEKU MOVE!!!" I heard a familiar voice behind me and ducked out of the way. Bakugo leaped over me and sent a large explosion right inside the large wound of the Nomu.

"SCRREEEEEECHHHHH" It shrieked in pain as it's entire body was destroyed. It's legs were still intact but disconnected from the blood and guts that used to be it's body.

'Wait...don't tell me that actually worked?!'  I thought slowly as I watched blood pour out of the nomu's lower body.

"MY NOMUUUUU!!!!" My thoughts were interrupted by the childish wailing of Shigaraki. He put is hands over the exposed parts of his face and doubled over in rage.

'This is my chance!!!!' I thought and dashed forward, trying to capture him, but right as I shot a web, his portal guy thing whatever the fuck teleported him away.

"Shit..." I shifted back to normal and purposely fell on my back with my arms spread wide.

'That was a weird fucking day...'

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