Hello people! Whoever bothered to check this out, thank you so so much. I feel blessed. I don't know if you'll like any of these or if you'll be able to relate to any of it but I hope you have a good time.
As for description of how my poems will be, I don't write free verse so, you'll always find a rhyme scheme (abcb mostly). And probably that will be one of the quirks that'll help you enjoy reading. And almost all of them will be of four to sixteen lines cuz that's what I'm most comfortable with.
Now, about the contents. Nothing is constant. Feelings change, so does and will the contents of my poems. And since it's like a journal, there'll be dates and time of writings, except of those I forgot to write when they popped up in my mind for the first time (the rough edition, that is). And so, if someone reads them according to the dates they are written on (according to which I will NOT be updating), they may find a timeline of when I used to be lively and how my personality and thoughts changed and so did the content and quality of my poetry. There was a time when I was careless of everything in life and I used to think about life as a nice phenomenon. Then when I was in love or crushing, the overwhelmed feeling of having someone to think of and keeping it a secret. And finally when my ANXIETY happened. It's still going on and so, what I write now is mostly dark but more meaningful or like a horror story. So the most common genres should be Life, Love & Darkness. It could've made a nice title. LOL 😅. But I don't want to change it cuz I gave this title to my collection a long time ago. It just happens to have been reaching the edge of publishing only now.
So that's that. Thanks for reading and enjoy reading. Goodluck 🙃
Kavya (author)
When Thoughts Become Poetry
PoetryThe times when you don't wanna think about anything but you end up thinking more than you should ? When you suddenly have a weird motivation and fetish to put your thoughts into words but only words would be boring so why not poetry ? yeah I wrote t...