Lines : 8
Verses : 1
Rhyme scheme : abcbdbeb
Theme : LifeHow amazing can it be,
To leave the world behind,And fly to some unknown location,
That no one would never find,Where the lonesome euphoria,
Would conquer my sadness,And the unkempt emotions,
Will freely unwind.- Kavya Kant
These kind of thoughts are rather common to me... The urge to escape everything around, to avoid each and every responsibility, problem and conflict causing distress to both body and soul. The 'not wanting to exceed someone's expectations'. Can you relate ? I don't know... but I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.
Bye.... Take care... of your mental health. It's a huge issue lately, but not considered as a huge issue. So, don't take such things lightly. It's never bad to have someone to share feelings with.
Ok then, I'll take my leave.
♡ K
Peace ✌🏻
When Thoughts Become Poetry
PoesíaThe times when you don't wanna think about anything but you end up thinking more than you should ? When you suddenly have a weird motivation and fetish to put your thoughts into words but only words would be boring so why not poetry ? yeah I wrote t...