The Outcast

4 0 0

Lines : 8
Verses : 1
Rhyme scheme : abcbdbeb
Theme : being different

7th July 2020
01:25 pm

I used to be a puzzle,
No one dared to crack.

A system error for them,
They always tried to hack.

A racing car with no driver,
Always going off-track.

That rebel psycho lone wolf,
Who ran away from the pack.

-Kavya Kant

Sup, guys !? Looks like no one's taking any glance inside this book. *sighs*
But Imma put all I wrote here anyway, as a not destroyable journal, maybe ? Cuz I'm too careless to keep all hard copy pages together, you see.

So, how did you like it ? Please tell me !! I'm out of my motivation dose 😭, which no one gives me anyway.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.



Peace ✌🏻

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