You can't quit

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

I sit there in stunned silence. Did I just hear him correctly? "Did you just say... what I think you just said?" "I said I'll stop being a hero." "YOU CAN'T STOP BEING A HERO! Who would save the world if not you?!" "There are other people besides me that can be the hero. Amy or even Shadow could do it. It's not like the world can't live without me." Is he serious? "Did you hit your head or something? What about your pathetic friends? Do you not care if you leave them behind?" "It's not like my friends will stop being my friends if I stop being the hero." "And what would you do instead? You'd have to have some kind of backup plan. You can't just quit without a backup plan." I hear a gentle laugh from Sonic. "Well I was thinking I could join you." he smiles. Is he... insane? Has he completely lost his marbles?! "J-Join me?! I'm not the kind of villain interested in recruiting lifeforms. I'm the kind of villain that prefers to work alone. If you were a machine that would be a different story." "Then, why not make me a machine?" Clearly, he's not thinking straight. Maybe he's still loopy from the tranq? "That would be foolish and a waste of time. I'm not like Eggman, I do not turn lifeforms into machines. If you're so adamant about joining me, never ask me to do that. Ever."

(Sonic's P.O.V.)

The face she made before she left the room makes me feel a bit guilty. I wasn't even thinking when I said that. Make me a machine? What is wrong with me?! I bet she hates me more now... I let out a sigh. I messed up. Why did I think saying that would make her happy? "Ugh... Why did I have to go and say that?" Regret is filling to the brim. Negative thoughts fill my head and I don't know how to get rid of them. She reenters the room, this time she has her mask on. "I've come to a decision, I've decided you will join me as my underling. However, you must prove to me that you're on my side. G.U.N. has a chaos emerald and I want it. Get it for me and I'll let you become part of the (V/N) army." I wish she wasn't hiding her face. I probably made things pretty awkward with my declaration. "Ok, (Y/N), I'll get you that emerald." I smile and she scoffs. "You're so strange..." I hear her mumble. Getting that emerald from G.U.N. should be no problem, I'll just pull the hero card.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

I let Sonic out of his cage and he leaves in a supersonic second. The real reason I'm making him get the chaos emerald is to see whether or not he's trying to trick me. In the past, I've had people say they want to join me only to find out they were trying to escape. I've dealt with too many liars and I'm not going to let Sonic get away with lying too. That's why he has a tracker in his quills. I put it there while he was sleeping. That way, if he tries to lie to me and escape, I can just snatch him back up.

(Sonic's P.O.V.)

I head to G.U.N. and convince them to give me the emerald. It was so easy, all I had to do was tell them I needed it to stop Eggman. Now all I have to do is give it to (Y/N). I run back towards her base, which happened to be the warehouse I helped her move into. "Oh, (Y/N)! I'm back!" "Y-You... came back? I didn't think you would..." Her back is facing me and she's staring at a computer screen displaying a map. "You had every opportunity to escape and yet you returned. Why?" "I was serious. I want to join you." "AND WHY IS THAT?!" She turns around and looks furious. Why is she angry? "Because I like you. I wouldn't mind being the bad guy if it was with you." I smile and her angry frown deepens. She takes a deep breath and sighs, "You have a passing infatuation. As soon as it ends you'll grow to regret your decision. But who am I to complain? I see you got the chaos emerald. By the way, you probably noticed I was tracking you. I forgot to change the screen when you came in." "I don't mind... You didn't trust me, right? It's only fair that you would do that. But I'm sure you trust me a bit more now that I got the chaos emerald for you." I hold out the emerald for her and she quickly snatches it from me. "You can go back to your cell. I'll call you when I have something for you to do."

(Reader's P.O.V.)

I didn't expect him to return and I definitely didn't expect him to willingly bring me a chaos emerald. Maybe Sonic's infatuation with me might be beneficial. If he keeps bringing me the emeralds like this I'll be able to conquer the world without resistance.

In Love with my Nemesis (Sonic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now