Saving People is what Heroes do

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(Sonic's P.O.V.)

Pixie gently grasps the cuff of my glove. "P-Please... Save me... Somebody..." again (Y/N)'s voice comes out of Pixie. I remember that (Y/N) is a technopath, Tails explained it to me. It means she can control machines and stuff with her mind. Is Pixie speaking (Y/N)'s thoughts? "Pixie? Where is she? I can't save her if I don't know where she is." Pixie's grip on my glove tightens a little. "T-Treehouse... Lake... Forest... Hill... Hurry... Save me..." (Y/N)'s voice answers my question but I can't make sense of what she said. Treehouse? Lake? Forest? Hill? What does that even mean? Before I can ask, Pixie's head lowers and she shuts off. Now I'm worried. I don't care if she broke my heart, I still care about her. If she's in trouble then, isn't it my job as a hero to save her? Treehouse, lake, forest, hill... wait. Forest Hill! She's by the lake in Forest Hill! I gently remove Pixie's hand from my glove and rush out the door. I run all the way to Forest Hill, where I find a children's treehouse made out of metal and painted with (F/C) and (S/C) colors. I climb up into the treehouse but no one's there. But if she's not here then... THE LAKE! I run to the lake in the middle of the forest and again I see no one. Was this some kind of trick? I turn around and I see laying against a tree with tear-stained cheeks and (H/C) hair decorated with twigs, the girl I was searching for. She's breathing kinda heavy and her face is flushed. I place a hand on her forehead. She has a fever. If she stays out here she could die. I carefully scoop her up into my arms and I hear her mumbling apologies over and over in her sleep. She must've subconsciously used Pixie to contact me... "It's okay, (Y/N)... You'll be okay now. I'm going to take you to Tails' place and help you get better. Just rest for now, okay." I kiss her forehead. Despite all the mean things she's said and done, and despite tricking me and using me, I still love her. I wonder if that's the reason Amy still chases after me despite the times I reject her. Love is a strange thing. It can hurt you or it can make you feel like flying. Right now I feel like a mix between the two and some part of me feels guilty for walking away that day. "It'll be okay now. We're almost there." I don't know if she can hear my voice right now but I think I'm more trying to reassure myself. If I knew things would turn out like this, would I do some things differently? I make it back to Tails' workshop and I quietly head to my room with (Y/N). I'll have to tell Tails about her eventually, but right now she needs rest and a warm bed. I lay her down on my bed and pull the covers over her. Her breathing has steadied a bit but she still has a bad fever. I should get some ice and cool her down.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

I wake up feeling stuffy and achy. My headache has improved but I can hear the voices of binary in my head again. That means I'm near machines and not out in the woods somewhere. I'm afraid to open my eyes and there's a weight on my lap. It's soft and furry and spiny. I force one eye to open and I see the last person I wanted to see, the person I hurt the most, Sonic.

In Love with my Nemesis (Sonic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now