Part 1-Author's Note

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Being new to the Wattpad universe, you all will have to forgive me for not following the prescribed protocol, even if there is one. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING! I have a storyline, a thought, a fantasy and I am going to run with it. It's all wishful thinking lovies. I see Freddie in a certain light. That's the way I want to see him, the way I need to see him and the way I wished he was.

So please indulge me and come along for a fun ride. I think you all will be very pleased with "MY" Freddie Mercury. (I never dreamed I would ever be writing a sentence with the words "My Freddie Mercury " in it).

Dates may be off, songs may not be chronologically in order, but who cares. It's all to serve the story. ( I sound like the producers of Bohemian Rhapsody) Some pix show Freddie in the 70's and some in the 80's, short haired, long haired, mustached, sans mustache. Either way, always beautiful.

"My" Freddie is Bi and HEALTHY, because that's the way I wished he was so please do not comment on this. It's purely a fantasy and my wishful thinking.

Please comment on anything. I would love and appreciate hearing from you and I promise that I will get back to you all.

Enjoy, my friends, I'm sure we are all Craving Freddie!

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