Chapter Nine

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The last month and half has been quite. Jackson has asked Mila not to come to the mansion until I have moved out, which I take she wasn't happy about due to the simple fact she's been blowing my phone up asking if she can come and talk about everything. Its pretty sad that I miss her, she's my best friend always will be, we will eventually get past this but as of now I'm not ready to talk, she broke the trust she shouldn't have.

Parker and I have talked here and there he keeps asking when he can see me again as we haven't seen each since I gave him my number that day at the mall but I make up shit for why I cant. I finally told him I'm moving to Oregon after graduation which only caused him to ask when he can see me but I really haven't had time, I have been busy I take my last two exams tomorrow morning and then I get to relax so maybe we can come up with something I miss seeing him. I have three weeks to graduation and I couldn't be more excited to finally get something I myself have worked so hard on.

I have officially passed all of my exams meaning I get to graduate with my bachelors, I got the news last night so Jackson said we should throw a party to celebrate but I thinks it's more so he can finally see Mila. Mila and I have talked a little here and there, short shit like how's school or I heard that you passed so excited for you or I am really sorry Em please forgive me. Jackson asked if she could come and I cant say no after everything he is giving me from the divorce.

Hunter is taking me to lunch to celebrate with Beth and Stephen they're going to be staying here for the next two weeks to help me pack and get ready for graduation, were slowly going to be taking trips to Oregon to get my stuff there so when I graduate I can leave the next morning and start my life away from Jackson and his lifestyle.

They were a little confused when I told them Jackson and I had already separated and hadn't come to stay with them but truth is they are three hours away so I didn't want to make the drive for classes. Once I move to Oregon they will still only be three hours away as they're the half wake mark between the penthouse and Jackson mansion.

Lily has decide not to style me for the party which I am so thankful for, she's still here to get Mila ready we still haven't seen each other so it will be interesting when we do, I'm not angry anymore just more hurt that they did it. Nikki is doing my hair and makeup, she has decided to not come to Oregon with me instead she's going to California to hopefully start working with celebrities I couldn't be more excited for her, Jules will be coming with me thank god. Hunter and Jules will live with me full time while the other three will share an apartment a floor below us. I'm happy to know that I wont have to live alone.

After getting ready Hunter came to walk me downstairs to the party, I came down to see everyone that I love plus a few others which are probably business partners to Jackson. I see Beth and Stephen first he's holding her while she cries, Jackson has a arm around Mila's shoulder but pulls it away once he sees me but I shake it off and tell him it's fine, Tony has his arm around some girl I've seen a couple of times but I've never been close enough to talk to her. Hunter helps me down the stairs and excuses himself walking towards a group there's a woman facing away from me talking to Liam and Ellie. Hunter gets her attention and no shit it's the girl from the meets that he's been hitting on for months. I smile glad that he's finally taking a shot with her.

"Now we all know why were here but before we get into that Emily and I have an announcement. Emily and I have decided it's best to finally tell everyone that we have separated, we had a very good marriage but realize a tad to late that we are much better friends then we are spouses. So after graduation she will be moving away to start a new adventure without me. But back to why we're really here is to celebrate her graduation. Can we give her round of applause? Emily congratulations, you will be the best damn photographer the world has ever seen, people will be lining up to have pictures of their vehicles done by you." Jackson says and comes down to grab my hand to bring me back to the stairs. Ever since we separated a little over two months ago it's like something clicked we now get along better then we ever have, he's one of the select few people I know if I called he'd be there no questions.

"Thank yall so much for coming. Its been a very long four years of school but I have almost all of you to thank for that. If it hadn't been for you guys pushing me telling me I got this I don't think I could have pushed through so thank you. Next week I will be graduating and leaving for a new adventure that I cant wait for. We know the separation is bit of a surprise to a lot of you but it's so much better this way for both of us and we thank everyone for the support in trying to find ourselves again. Thank you again being here to celebrate such a big accomplishment. Now can we please a get ourselves a drink?" Everyone cheers for me and Jackson kisses my forehead telling me congrats again. He makes his way to Mila while Hunter and his date make their way to me.

Everyone is dancing and drinking having a good time, I haven't had this much fun since before I don't even know. I look around and see Jackson and Hunter talking I make my way to them but Mila stops me asking if we can chat dragging me away from the dance floor an over to the side of the room.

"Listen I am so so sorry for sleeping with Jackson but I wont apologize for falling in love with him. I know that's fucked up but in a way I hope this surprise will help you forgive me. I talked with Jackson and finally got him to agree a couple weeks ago. We knew you were graduating no matter what so we've been planning this for a while can you please come stand with me in the middle of the dance floor?" I look at Mila confused what could she and Jackson possibly be up to? Mila and I walk to the dance floor and Mila nods at the dj and covers my eyes with her hands. I don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmiths comes on and I stand there with Mila hands over my eyes.

"I have already missed way to much of your life and I don't want to miss another thing. I told you this over one of our many conversations that this was our favorite song when we were little. So Emily Nass will you take this moment with me and hold onto it forever?" I take Mila hands away from my eyes and run for Parker. He drops the mic and wraps his arms around me like he's never going to let go.

Everyone claps and awe's, I start laughing and wrap my arms tighter around him. I cant believe he's here. This is such a big deal for Jackson to allow him to be here. Parker and I sway until the song ends and we walk over to Jackson and Mila so I can thank them for the best surprise ever. This is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me and Parker and I are just friends.

"Well I see you finally found her son. I apologize for the part we played in not telling you and your folks that she was alive, we needed to keep her safe." Stephen says from behind us. I hung Beth who is sobbing and she asks to talk to me after everyone starts to leave. Parkers hugs Beth and Stephen which I find odd but I choose to not think to much into it because Parker once told me that my parents, his parents, and Beth and Stephen use to be close.

"Thank you Jackson, seriously you didn't have to invite him but you did so thank you. Mila I don't forgive you all the way but were making progress. Thank you both so much." I say hugging them both.

"Emily, you have let go of Mila and I being together, I know how fucked up it is but after everything came out I knew I needed to do something big for you, it's the least I could do. You two will be happy together out in the open finally." Jackson says.

"Oh were just friends." Parker and I say in unison which causes everyone to laugh.

"Yeah you two will eventually figure it out, oh young love Stephen do you remember when we first fell in love?" Stephen nods and pulls Beth away from the group, Parker and I stare at each other before we start laughing. We dance and drank the rest of the night Parker decided to stay the night staying in one of the many spare bedrooms. We all ate breakfast the next morning, me, Parker, Jackson, and Mila but Parker had to get back to Marco and his boys before he was caught with the enemy. The night and morning were literally perfect, something I will forever hold onto.

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