Authors Note

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Oh hello. It's me, again :)

I know I said I wasn't going to write anything for awhile, and I sort of stand by that statement because this "story" if it even counts as that, barely counts as writing. 

It is 100% ridiculous, silly, over the top, ramblings from my weird mind that poured out of me late at night as a coping mechanism to get through the last few super stressful weeks. 

I wasn't going to post it, but then I, why not? It makes me giggle, so maybe it will make all you other Joe and Dianne fans laugh too. We can all still use a little laughter these days, right? 

I'm posting this whole "novella" at once because it's SUPER short. Expect to read through the whole thing in less than an hour. There are probably a lot of inconsistencies and likely a lot of typos. I'm also posting it in the middle of the night in the UK, because I feel like all of you who followed along my other stories deserve a fun Friday surprise when you wake up. BUT...keep in mind it is purely for fun, so please don't take it seriously. If you don't really enjoy it...I do not blame you!! 

Now, the only semi-serious part of this note is to say - if you enjoy this goofy style, I highly recommend reading books by Meg Cabot. She wrote The Princess Diaries, but outside of her YA books, she is a super skilled writer in telling a compelling romantic comedy story through this sort of silly email format. She's one of my absolute faves for when I want to escape reality for a few hours. 

Alright with all that in mind - please enjoy "Viral Love". I hope this weird experiment brings a smile to your face for at least 30 minutes :) 

Viral Love: A Joe and Dianne NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now