10: My past

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Its only been 2 weeks since he left with his fiance to Australia. I haven't been out of the house since unless it was work or dance practice. Everyone was worried for me especially Drew and Sage but I didn't care. I kinda lost happiness since he left and really I don't see the purpose of going out if I'm not happy. I've just been eating while watching movies. I now hate watching romances. I would end up throwing food at the TV for telling such lies. "Hailey. You need to get out of the house" here comes my lecture for the day. "It's really unhealthy for you to be unsociable and just eating junk food while watching TV. Hailey in worried about you" wow I've never heard him say he's worried about me it makes me feel kinda guilty. I now turned my full attention to him. "Were all worried. Mum and Dad don't know what to do to cheer you up. Sage is stressing out even Sonny is sad. Please for the sake of us go enjoy yourself" I was really sad note hearing that. Making my family and Sage worried like that. I'm so selfish. After the lecture I hugged Drew and called Sage asking if she wanted to go shopping. She was excited for the first time in a while. I asked to use Drew's car and he gladly gave it to me since he's happy to see me going out finally. "Hailey!" Sage ran Into the car and lept into my arms. "I'm so happy that your finally out if the house. You know how worried I've been. I even asked Ants for advice" " wait what, you asked Ants?" " that's how much I was desperate" I hugged her again "Thank you Sage for being so caring for me. I love you" by this time she had her arms around me also." Hailey. I'm always going to care about you. Your my best friend". We pulled apart after a while and headed to the mall. We both jammed to songs on the radio on the way singing our hearts out. "Hailey. You have a really beautiful voice. Like it's unbelievable good" I suddenly stopped singing and kept quiet the rest of the way. We arrived 5 minutes later and Sage dragged me to the accessories shop. "Oh these are cute" Sage said while holding up two necklaces. They where ying yang yo necklaces and was halfed so one was black with a white dot and the other was white with a black dot. "I'm buying these for us" she said while walking to the checkout. She handed me one and I put it on. "Now no matter where we are we will always be best friends" she said while putting hers on. "No" she looked at me confused. "More like sisters" she smiled from ear to ear and then took me into yet another tight hug. We continued shopping until Sage nudged me in the rib. "Ah that hurt" she had a smirk on her face while pointing to the other side of the store. There where 5 really handsome guys. Although they where good looking I really didn't want to get into anything with them. Sage pulled me to the clothes rack beside beside the guys and started looking through clothes. Soon one of the boys boys 'accidentally' bumped into her. Gosh this girl knows alot. They started talking and soon I was left alone. I was looking through the clothes when someone approached me. "Hello" I looked up to see two of the guys that Sage s pointing to before. "Um hi" I said a bit awkwardly. "So is that your friend over there talking to Nam-gi over there". He pointed to Sage and the so called Nam-gi. I nodded slightly. "Yeah" . He offered me his hand "I'm Geun and this is Man-seok" the other guy handed me his hand also. "I'm Hailey". We started conversating afterwards and soon all of us went to get coffee. I have to admit it. I had fun but not as much fun as I had with Taehyung. I miss him so much. Even though I said to move on I really didn't want him to, and I didn't want to move on myself. "We better be of then" I said while dragging Sage beside me. "But Guys" we said as we left the store. "Call me" I heard Geun say before we left. As we hoed in the car I turned to Sage. "So I see that your kinda closer to Nam-gi back there" she slightly blushed. "Yeah" "what about Namjoon?" She went silent and put her head down then a year escaped her eyes. What did he do. I'll kill him. "He-e. He do" I cut her off before finishing. "Sage its okay. Tell me when your ready" I smiled at her slightly while putting my hand on her shoulder. Just wait till I get him. I asked Sage if she wanted a sleep over at my house since she bought me that necklace and she said yes of course. We stopped by her house to get her things and headed home. We gossiped the whole way back since I've missed out on allot in the past 2 weeks. We arrived at my house at 4 o clock and got settled in. Everyone else went out so it was just her and I. "Hailey" she sounded quite serious. "Mmmmhh?" "How come you didn't like me complimenting your voice?" Shoot I was hoping that she wouldn't notice but I knew that some day I'll have to tell somebody. I sighed deeply and began speaking.

Flashback to 3 years ago

"Mum your voice is so beautiful" she held me in her arm's and sang to me once again. I slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of things smashing all over the house. "Mum?" I called out multiple times before she came running in with my brother and sisters. I was so scared. Dad was drunk again but this time it was serious. I could tell by the way mum was acting "Mum we can't stay here. He'll find us" she suddenly took me, Tegan, Marie and Charlie out through my bedroom window. I how's out first so mum can pass the others to me. "Quickly" I held my hands out to receive baby Marie but it was too late. The house exploded causing me to fly back onto the road. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I reached around to feel my back when I felt a metal pole sticking out. I freaked out a little than I remembered something important. Mum! Charlie! Tegan and baby Marie! I ignored the passion and ran to my bedroom window. They went there. I scanned the area and saw my family at the next door neighbors house. I ran to them as fast as I could. There they layed motionless and empty. I was list for words. At that moment I had a huge hole in my heart. As I held Tegan in my lap while laying my dear beloved brother and gorgeous sister I cried into my mother's chest. I didn't know what to do so I sang. The last song she sang to me. I will always love you. From there on I never sang professionally as it reminded me if them and how that terrible night scared my life. They never found my father. It was like he vanished into thin air. I was in an orphanage for a year before I was adopted by mum, dad, Drew and Jace. Although they aren't my blood family they are all I have.

End of flashback

At this point Sage was full of tears and I was also. I don't like singing any more as it reminded me of my mother. I cried once again remembering her beautiful voice ringing in my ear. I never forgave myself since. Oh how I missed them so much. I thought life would be better if we moved here but it caused more pain. The fact that I left home haunts me but I can't face that fact even if I wanted to. I don't have the heart anymore. I occasionally go over there but not less than a week or the memories will flood in.

Authors note
I'm really sorry I haven't been updating I've run out of ideas. If anyone could give me ideas it will be very much appreciated. thank you for reading.

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