Mini Rant (Please Read, But You Don't Have To-)

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Small little rant, please don't take offence by anything I say, thank you!

Okay, so, as you all know, I am pansexual. I am proud of myself, but I am still closeted to all of my family and some friends.eaning,i am a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

From what I've seen, msot of us in said community dislike/hate/become upset or uncomfortable when a straight person says something about homosexual people.
However, lots of us to the same to heterosexual people. Things like,
"Ew, straight people-" may not seem rude, but it really is. Just as homophobes are shaming you for your sexual orientation, you are shaming heterosexual people. Yes, I'm almost certain I have said things like that in the past, but I know that it can genuinely be rude and disrespectful to the heterosexuals.

Another thing, I've never seen or experienced this, however, I have heard about it. Apparently, some gay men will gag/be disrespectful when the topic of female anatomy comes up, or the subject of sex between a women and a man.
Listen, it's rude and can hurt a female. Transgender men and cisgender women could feel attacked by this because they have biological female anatomy. We get it, you're gay, you are a male who likes males, but you do not need to show reactions of disgust towards the female body parts. That is, again, disrespectful. However, I understand if you feel uncomfortable hearing about said body parts, but you do not need to show your discomfort in that way.

Personally, I think some homosexuals don't realise they they are being.. Now, I can't say homophobic because it's disrespect to heterosexuals, but do you understand what I'm saying? Us making fun of them is just as bad as them making fun of us.

Another thing, I am technically part straight. So, the disrespect towards heterosexuals makes me feel uncomfortable and upset. It hurts because the main place I see it is when I am talking to my friends. It makes me more upset because I feel like they are targeting it at me (I don't think they ever did purposely target me, don't worry-).

In conclusion, maybe we should start being nicer to the heterosexuals? I get it,it's of them are rude to us but like, why should we do the same to them? You can help make the world a happier world to live in by not being disrespectful to anyone!

So, rant over. I hope you all understand, and I do not mean any of these things offensively! Love ya'll! ✨❤️✨

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