𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 76

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K: feels good to be home

I say standing in the kitchen with one of Jadens hoodies on and a cup of tea in my hand.
Jaden stands behind me and puts his hands on waist

J: feels good to be with you.
K: mhmm
J: but about last night

Oh god

J: i'm not gonna leave. I promise
K: it's not about leaving. It's about you falling in love with her
J: whaat?!

He laughs, but i just stay dead serious

J: angel, i'm never gonna love someone like i love you.

He smiles

K: wait. Hold hold hold hold on
J: what?
K: y-you love me?
J: you don't love me?
K: of course i do, but why didn't you say anything
J: I thought it was obviously
K: bitch!

I 'playfully' slap his chest

K: i was worrying about that shit

He laughs and hugs me placing his head on top of mine

J: why didn't you say anything then?
K: because i thought you weren't there yet
J: now you know.....say it

I look up and smile

K: i love you

A big smile appeared on his face.

J: again!
K: i love you

He picks me and lays us down on the couch

J: again

He says more softly

K: i love you

I say softly as well
He looks up as he lays his head on my chest

J: i love you too

K: you know you actually did say i love you to me
J: when?
K: when you were drunk. But then you didn't remember and said you would 'maybe ever love someone' so I didn't knew what to do
J: i was kidding then...

He says chuckling

J: I thought you were getting the joke then
K: pff.. well I didn't

He laughs and kisses me


J: i'm glad we're here again
K: yes i like our bed more
J: same. Just nice to be back at our safe place
K: but it does mean i have to get back to school
J: and i have to talk to Teresa

He signs

K: you know what?

I turn around and sit on the counter

J: what?

He stands between my legs

K: we're not gonna be negative about it!
J: huh?
K: so what i'm going to school? I can see my friends again.
J: and with Teresa.....
K:........ your gonna be positive about this! Your gonna be a dad
J: unless she doesn't want it
K: but still! Your not gonna be negative about it. If she wants to keep it. Be prepared to be a baby daddy. If she doesn't want the baby we can just move on

He smiles

K: but..... uh... what do you want?
J: i don't want it.
K: no?

He doesn't want kids?

K: why?
J: if i want kids with anyone it's you. Teresa would be the last person i would think about to have a baby with

I smile

K: really?
J: yes, of course

He kisses my lips

J: just not now
K: exactly
J: let's just-

He gets cut of by the doorbell

J: do you expect anyone?
K: nope. I'll answer

I jump of the counter and walk to the door

I open the door

K: oh. Hi
J: who is it

He walks behind me

Teresa: hi Jaden
J: he

He looks down

J: why u here?
Teresa: i think we have to discuss something don't you think?
K: r-right

I opened the door more to show she can come inside

She slowly walked in pushing her shoulder against mine

Jaden walked to the couch as Teresa sits down next to him

Teresa: Kiara can you crab me a water? I have to stay hydrated
K: sure

I walk to the fridge to the and grabbed a water bottle

Stay positive Kiara. Positive

K: here

I hand her the bottle and she doesn't even looks at me

I sit in front of them

Teresa: why are you still here?

She looks at me

K: oh i-i'm sorry

I get up and walk to the stairs

J: hold up.

I turn around
Teresa: what?
J: she needs to stay here
K: it's fine. If she doesn't want me here
J: no, if we need to discuss this she needs to decide as well
Teresa: but-
J: no. Angel come here

I sits down again and taps his lap

I walk back to the couch and sit down with my legs across his

Teresa moves in front of us

Teresa: whatever
J: soooo?
Teresa: i wanne keep it


Jaden started breathing heavily and looking at me

K: shhhh. It's okay
Teresa: really? It's that big of a deal
J: why not an abortion
K: Jaden!
Teresa: I thought about it, but i really, really want this kid
J: because it's mine?
Teresa: well yeah now it has your genes, but also because I always wanted a child and i think i'm ready for it
J: i'm just not ready for it
Teresa: i never said i wanted you around when the baby is here
K: wait, but isn't that the whole reason why you did-
Teresa: yes, i did it because of i wanted Jaden around.
J: why would you think i-
Teresa: you just broke up with her and I thought you wanted me, for real this time. Apparently i was wrong after all-
J: that's why you were so mad!
Teresa: yes. Now i have seen what kinda of an asshole you can be. I don't want you in the kids life
J: wait, wait, wait.
K: he can't live his life after the birth knowing there is some kid from him on this world
J: i can't?
J: i'm sorry mamas

He puts his hands on my waist and looks at Teresa

J: she's right. I need to be in the baby's live as well
Teresa: but you just said you aren't ready for this
J: i have nine months to prepare
Teresa: and why are you even okay with this?

She asks me

K: i want Jaden to be happy

Even if that means i have to raise someone else's kid

He smiles at me and puts his hands on my thigh

𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐺 𝐿𝑂𝑅𝐷 - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now