𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 86

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J: i'm sorry, i yelled at you before i left
He suddenly speaks up
K: baby, you already apologized for that. Please, just sleep

I say kissing his neck

J: yeah, yeah. I know, but i can get over it. Somehow
K: why's that?
J: because I promised myself I wouldn't yell at you anymore

He says moving more

K: we're in a relationship. What do you expect?
J: huh?
K: look......

I get of his chest and reach to the lamp on the drawer on my side

K:.......we have our ups and down. Sometimes you yell at me and sometimes i slap you in your face. That's our thing

I can see him smile

J: your right
K: i know
I smirk

I lay on his chest again and look at the celling

J: I totally forgot to ask, but how was school?
K: good, it was good. Mostly boring actually, but i loved seeing everyone again
J: invited your friends over again. Somewhere this week.
K: can i?
J: yes, of course
K: because you said, that you-
J: yeah, I didn't mean that. I know

I sign

K: they're really nice. Just get along with Larray and you will get along with everyone
He smiles
J: i hope i will
K: did you noticed he's-
J: gay? Yeah, i did
K: oh good
J: I thought you noticed
K: how?
J: I wouldn't leave you alone at MY house with some straight guy.


K: true

K: what type of guy were you in High school?
J: the type of guy, your mom would say to stay away from

My type

K: so you were a bad boy?
J: something like that.
K: a bad boy huh?
J: yeah, i sure was

K: and your grades?
J: we're actually good.
K: really? A bad boy with good grades?
J: i wanted to graduate
K: i get that. I get that
J: and my dad really pressured me

He mumbles

K: what?
I narrow my eyebrows
J: my dad, would always pressure me to get good grades so i could take over his business.

Should i ask

K: can i ask something?
J: i think your gonna ask it anyway. Sooo.......
K: why were you the one, that took over your father's business and not Calvin
J: something about him, loving my mom more than his


K: that's mean
J: it is, but it's live
K: but i'm proud of you that you do have it
J: thank you

He looks down at me

J: so, yeah. My dad would be very strict with me and treat my brother like he was his only son

I move up a bit so i could see his face better

K: i'm sorry
J: he always got everything. Except my dad's business. He got mad and moved to Mexico
K: and then......
J: that's why i don't like him around you
K: ohhh
J: he had you before and now your with me. I don't like the thought of you being with him
K: i know, i get that. That's why you got so mad
J: yes, your with me now. He can't take that away from me
K: and he won't. I promise

𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐺 𝐿𝑂𝑅𝐷 - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now