𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 88

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I directly walk downstairs when i woke up from my nap.

K: Jae? Jae?
I didn't hear anything so i just kept walking
K: where are you?

I touched the cold floor with my feet and look down.


It feels kinda wet. Why does my feet feel wet? The fuck? I look around the floor, but i don't see anything.

K: Jaden?

I look around the room moving two steps. And it feels wet again, but like i stepped in something

I look down and see i stepped in blood.

I feel like screaming, but i can't.

Following the blood i end up in the office.
Jadens chair is turned around

Still walking forward the blood, i turn the chair around.
It was like i was about to see Jaden on the chair, but i got the feeling i was getting pushed and everything went black

I open my eyes again

Fuck, it was a nightmare
Actually, thank god IT WAS A NIGHTMARE

I woke up again and looked out the window.
Even do it isn't late yet, it's already getting dark early. What explains why it's already so dark outside

Breathing heavily, i leaned up.
I think that when i woke up i yelped.

Wait where is Jaden?

K: Jaden?

Oh my god.

I fast pick up a shirt from the floor and a jumper.
This time i put on socks.

There better not be blood downstairs

I inhale and exhale before i open the bedroom door.

I walk downstairs, for real this time.

I'm nervous.
Kiara, don't be nervous. He's not dead.
If he was you would've heard it..... But what if-

No, no!
He isn't

I basically run down the stairs.

Without knocking i just bursts into his office. Seeing something less scary then I thought

I relieving sigh
K: i-i'm sorry.
I apologize to the guys in suits, Jaden is having a meeting with

I probably look crazy

J: everything, okay?
I just nod, while swallowing

I close the doors again and walk to the kitchen with tears in my eyes

Thank god

J: shit
I heard Jaden mumble
J: excuse me

I grab a bag of Sour Patch and eat them as i sit on the counter, trying to calm myself down

I'm glad he's okay.

My legs start to shake. Probably because it's cold as shit here

Kiara! It's okay. He's not dead. Stop acting crazy.

J: hey, what's wrong?

Okay, get yourself together

K: i'm fine
I just say while smiling, but not looking at him

J: why were you so shocked when you looked at me?
K: nothing

That's not really an answer Kiara

J: what happened
K: i'm okay
I say still looking down

Okay my answer are really messing up

J: than look at me


I slowly look up from my Sour Patch to him

J: what happened?
K: it's fine. Go back to your meeting.

I say smiling.
He stands between my legs and puts his hands on my waist

J: no, for real. I wanne know what's wrong?
K: i'm-
J: don't come at me with 'i'm fine or i'm okay'
K: nothing happened
J: bullshit

He rolls his eyes and picks me up

K: nohooo.... my Sour Patch
I wine

He probably won't stop until I explained what happened

So i just give up

He brings me back close to the counter. When i snapped the bag, back he immediately lifted me up again

K: where are we going?

I say laying my head on his shoulder

J: one moment princess

I nod putting one in my mouth and still my head on his shoulder
He opens a door with his other arm

I look at the guys at the table

K: hi
??: hello?

I wave

J: Bryce. I need to handle something. You good on your own?
B: absolutely

He walks away again without closing the door

??: is he gonna spank her or something?

What made my eyes wide open as Jaden just chuckles

K: not funny
J: mhmm

He carries me upstairs to our bedroom and closes the door

J: now, explain
K: what?
J: or i'm for real gonna spank you

Pleas do.

I sigh

J: Kiara
He says in a serious tone

Alright, alright daddy

K: okay, so...... I actually just had a nightmare
I say, sitting on the bed
J: about what?

He sits next to me

K: it's kinda weird.
J: if it was about a threesome with me and my brother, than yes it's weird
K: ieuw.
J: just tell me
K: so, i was walking downstairs and there was blood everywhere. And when i came to your office. You were sitting there on the chair
J: dead?
K: I didn't came that far

He strokes my hair behind my ear

J: that's why you were so shocked seeing me
K: i hoped you weren't dead

He pulls me close on his lap

J: i'm so sorry angel
K: it's fine
J: you don't wanne talk about it, do you?

I shake my head

J: do you wanne do your Spanish homework?
K: it could help as distraction
J: alright

I stand up ready to get back downstairs to get my stuff

J: first, change

I roll my eyes and walk to my closet.

I just put on a hoodie and sweatpants

K: good now?
J: perfect
He smiles

𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐺 𝐿𝑂𝑅𝐷 - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now