𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 93

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I hang up

J: babe what's wrong?
He says knocking on the door
K: uhhh..... nothing
I say looking in the drawers for a tampon

J: is this because i won't let you stay at home?
I found one
K: shut up for a moment!
J: o-oh. Okay

When i was done i put on new underwear.

J: are you okay?
K: mhm

I unlock the door and look at Jaden

J: what's wrong?
K: can i stay home?
J: why? You can't stay home for forever
K: i know. Just a few days

It's not like i never go to school when i'm on my period, but i'm feeling a little off these days. Mostly headache

J: what's wrong than?
K: i'm just feeling a little sick

He feels my forehead

J: take an Advil and you'll be fine
He says kissing my forehead
K: oh my god!

I walk past him and put on black sweatpants

J: Kiara-
I just ignore him and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

Poring in some tea i hear Jaden walk downstairs

If he's gonna be annoying i'm really gonna loose my shit.

It's not like my period makes me one crazy bitch. But with that shit and than him being annoying and stuff just get's me frustrated

J: if you miss school what classes do you miss?
He says grabbing a cup of coffee
K: math, history, i don't know
J: math?
I nod
J: you can't miss math

Tears are literally about to pour out of my eyes. AND I DONT KNOW WHY!

K: whyyyyy?
J: because you need help with that
K: i'm just not going to school. You can't decide if i'm going or not
J: don't you forget that you gave MY number to your principal
K: ughhhh

I place my tea cup down

J: and what's up with that attitude of yours?
K: nothing. Leave it.
J: are you on your period or something?
He mumbles

What did he just say?

I give him a death stare

J: fuck
He says choking on his coffee

J: how much time do i have?
K: 4 seconds


He places his cup down and walks backwards


*ding dong*

Fuck, i forgot i asked to Addison come over

K: i'm still mad at you, but that's Addison

I say irritated while walking to the door

A: heyy!
She hugs me
A: where is he?
She says as her mood suddenly changes
K: uhhh
J: shit

He mutters behind me

K: ignore him
A: what-
K: i'll deal with him later

We walk to the couch and sit down

A: well your definitely gonna stay home so what do you wanne do?
K: food
A: you wanne do food?
K: no, i wanne have food.
J: oh, come on Ads. I even got that
A: sorry, sorry
She laughs

K: Jae you first have to call me sick
J: right

I give him the number of the school from my phone

J: and who was i again?
K: family friend
A: ieuw. That would be so disgusting
J: definitely
K: i know. It's weird. What else was I supposed to say?
A: huh?
J: just say, you have a super hot boyfriend
K: and than what? I need to have someone that "needs to take care of me as a custody person or something"
J: so-
A: Jaden. Did you forgot how high school was or something?
J: your right



I yell to his office while Addison is making something to drink and i sit on the counter

I yell more angry

J: yes? Yes? I'm sorry it took so long
He comes heavily breathing to the kitchen
K: me and Addison are going to Target. To get stuff
A: we thought we should let you know... oh and we're taking one of your cars
K: we are?
A: we are
Me and Addison both look at Jaden
J: okay. Do i have to stay home or.....
A: you can come
K: yeah, that's alright
A: but we're gonna need your card do
J: absolutely

I smile

K: thank you
I whisper
J: your welcome
He whispers back with a smile

He gets a message on his phone

He groans looking at his phone

A: what?
Addison asks just straight up
J: mhm?
A: why the fuck u groaning?

God. I love Addison

J: Teresa. She's settled down in her apartment and wants me too look or some shit
A: why?
J: I honestly don't know

And than we have Teresa

K: go.
I simply said
J: you sure?
K: mhm
I say not looking at him
J: i mean. I can stay your more important than-
A: Jaden. Just go

He swallows and nods

J: o-okay

I feel kissing the back of my head

Come on Kiara. Where are the positive vibess?!


He puts his hands on my waist.
J: i love you
K: love you too
I say, still not making eye contact with him.
He kisses the back of my head again, but i still don't react.

I'm sorry, i'm being like this. I just forgot about Teresa for a few days and now i think about it again......
I just can't

He was about to close the door

A: where do you think your going without giving me your card?
J: r-right
He gets the black card put of his pocket and smiles one more time at me.

J: you guys can take the-
A: we'll take the Tesla. Okay byee

Addison closes the door

𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐺 𝐿𝑂𝑅𝐷 - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now