𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 98

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J: i have thought about it.....
K: mhmm?

I say, narrowing my eyebrows and with my mouth fulled with a baked egg

J: and i don't agree
K: baby, you have to be specific
J: you shouldn't wear the dress tonight
K: nohoooooo
I wince

J: you have so many dresses. Can't you wear another one less......
K: seriously?
J: less "showing off"
K: but it's a costume
J: so?
K: i have to wear it because it symbolizes that i'm a devil and Addison is an angel
J: but you have so many red dresses
K: but this is for the costume. Larray and Avani bought that dress for me
J: still. Don't
K: no

He takes a sip of his coffee

K: i'm gonna wear it
J: oh really?
K: yes

I'm gonna wear it. One way or another

K: but i don't want you to worry. Because nothing bad will happen
J: mhm

He puts his coffee down and let go of my waist

Without saying anything, he just walk away out of the kitchen

I fast walk behind him.

K: Jaaeee!

He starts to walk faster to his office

He looks at me and than back at his papers

K: it's just a FUCKING dress why are you so mad about it?

He still ignores me

K: look, Dante is here. I have to go.
J: go
K: Jade-
J: i said go!

I narrow my eyebrows

K: are you serious?
J: your gonna be late

Okay, he's making me mad, mad

K: Jaden please.

I walk a little bit closer while he's just reading some papers.

K: come on
J: i really don't have time for this
K: i just-

He cuts me of by sighing and looking at me, annoyed

I've had it
I grab the half full glass of water that's still on his desk and trow it in his face

He looks up at me with an irritated look. He wipes his face as the water falls of his cheeks again

J: you should go, don't you think?

I harshly place the glass down on his desk and walk out angry

I walk across the table and see the res dress laying there

As I thought. I'm gonna wear it. One way or another

I look the way of his office and fast put the dress in my bag.


"uhm- Kiara? Are you okay?" He asks through the mirror as i sit in the backseat of the car "ye-yeah" i say wiping my tears away

"D-Did something happen? I know i don't seem like it, but you can talk to me. If you want" he tells me concerned

I just need to.

I struggle to the front seat and look at him

"it's Jaden again!" I almost yell
He raises his eyebrows
"I'm going to a Halloween party tonight and i'm going as a devil and Addison as an angel"
I cut him off
"i'm gonna wear this short red dress, but Jaden makes one big problem out of it"
"maybe-" he tries to speak up again
"and i even told him to not worry and everything and I thought he was okay with it, but this morning he told me not to wear it" i rattle
"well, i think-"

I'm not done yet

"And i know that i might have overreacted, but then he ignored me and was being stubborn" i sigh out
"C-can i talk now?" He says trying to not make me mad

"yes, yes. Of course. I just had to tell someone" I breathe heavily

"So this is all about Jaden not agreeing about you wearing a dress?" He ask confused
"yes, but i don't get it. It's like he doesn't trust me" I mumble
"Jaden, is this kinda boy that's very scared to loose what's important to him. He's scared, because your going back to your own lifestyle"
I nod
"is that something bad?" I say being confused
"no, not at all!"
"but Jaden got to know you when you were 24/7 with him. Now your going your back to school, your gonna party, hang out with friends. He's not used to that"

"but i will always make sure i spent time with him" i assure
"I expect Jaden told you about his mom?"
"yes, he did" 
"well, because he doesn't know his mom and only sees his dad like a few times a year. Oh and than you have his brother that always have been 'the perfect one' that"

I know all this.

"what i'm saying is that..... Jaden always had limited time with important people in his life" he explains
"so you think that my whole argument with Jaden isn't about a dress" I narrow my eyebrows
"it's about Jaden being the stubborn kid he is and not willing to say he's afraid to loose time with you"

Oh my god

I'm sorry i did the last scene different. I think i'm gonna write season 3 that way

𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐺 𝐿𝑂𝑅𝐷 - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now