Night mommy!

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Molly's POV

At dinner

"I love mash potatoes, they are incredible, I'm going back for more." I sang a spin off of thrift shop.

The girls laughed as I went to get more mashed potatoes. Today's dinner was meatloaf, green beans, and mash potatoes. Good mashed potatoes too. I got more then dropped off my plate at the table and went to get something to drink.

I walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge. My eyes widened as I spotted my favorite drink. I grabbed it quickly and chugged the 8oz bottle of grape juice.

I grabbed a metal water bottle that was 16oz and filled it, I would tell them it was water.

1 hour later

Luke's POV

Dinner was good we finished probably about 45 minutes ago and we were now eating cookies.

About 30 minutes into dinner the girls table had gotten louder by louder I mean Molly laughing at anything and everything. It was funny but strange. Our tables were so close that we could hear each other's conversations. The boys and I were bored so we listened to the girls conversation.

"Molly are you okay you seem,_ uh how can I put this lightly, crazy." Hannah asked

Molly burst out laughing and took a sip of the water bottle by her, a purple liquid drop dripped down her chin, she wiped it off and replied. "I feel great never better."

"Molly what's in the water bottle?" Said Katie

"Water," said Molly "swarezies."

Hannah and Katie got up and sat by Molly.

I hear Hannah whisper to Katie "I think she has grape juice, this is bad."

"Molly give us the water bottle, we know it has grape juice in it." Katie said calmly

"No mine!" Molly yelled getting up and starting to run out of the room.

The girls then followed. Soon the boys and I left as well, the other men shrugging it off as stupid kids. What's going on?

Molly's POV

"No mine!" I yelled running off.

I could hear footsteps behind me that made me laugh haha they are chasing me.
"Catch me if you can!" I yelled

"We will." The girls said in unison

5 minutes later

After running in circles I felt someone tackle me.
"Ouch!" I whispered

"I told you we would catch you." Katie said lifting me on her shoulder.

After getting to the game room she set me on the couch. Her and Hannah both looked at me knowingly. Then the boys walked in and I sighed.
"Molly should not drink grape juice it makes her loopy and I apologize for my crazy behavior." I said quietly

"Thank you, now you should go sleep off the juice." Hannah said hands on her hips

" fine." I mumbled and the boys chuckled "shut up." I started to get up but was shaky I sat back down.

"Luke carry her and put her to bed please it's bedtime for everyone." Katie asked


"Yes, good call Katie after Molly's craziness we all need to go to sleep," James said as he and Paul walked in "sparing starts tomorrow and we will eliminate a couple more contestants."

James walked out and Paul looked at Molly and chuckled, "good luck, and good night."

Luke said good night to everyone and picked me up I was afraid he though I was heavy. But in his arms I felt weird this electric stock was emitting from we ever he touched me, it felt nice.

Luke's POV

I picked her up and found she was light surprisingly she had so much muscle I though she'd be heavy.

As soon as I touched her I felt waves of electric shock, weird. As I walked out their were cat calls and other stuff,
"Get some."
"Go Luke."
Molly flipped them off and snuggled into my chest. When we got back into the room she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change. I changed and brushed my teeth in the kitchen.

When she came out she had black basketball shorts on and a purple shirt. She got in to bed as I got into mine.
"Night night Lukey." She giggled
"Night mommy." I said in a little kid voice
"Oh, shut up and go to sleep."
"Yes ma'am." "Night."
I slowly drifted of thinking about what tomorrow would bring.

Go me I updated, good and bad news.
Bad news I have more finals next week,yay might not be able to update as much as I would like. Hope you liked it, please vote and comment. Until next time.

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