Dinner and a Movie

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a/n thank you guys so much for reading this if you have any suggestions for future chapters just leave them here! :)

I walked downstairs and saw Nick sitting on the couch. I figured that Clay and George were still getting ready. He was wearing plain blue jeans and a white champion shirt.

"Hey Y/N, you look nice."

"Oh thank you, I could say the same to you."

"Thanks, so how are you liking it here so far?"

"Well, it's very pretty and I love the weather here. And not to mention I love this house and thank you again for letting me stay here. It's beautiful."

"No problem, it's the least we could do to help. Oh shoot, I just realized i don't have your number, can you give it to me."

"Yea sure," I gave him my number and he added me to a group chat with Clay and George.

guys hurry up me and Y/N are waiting for you
I'll be down in like 5 minutes.
Yeah same here
hurry up :)
yea listen to Y/N were lonely
very lonely

"So Y/N, tell me something about yourself that no one else knows."

We went on telling each other about ourselves. I learned that he has actually never had a girlfriend or even kissed someone, and I told him that (just use a secret that you haven't told people). It definitely brought us closer together. We were making jokes and having a good time, and then Clay joined us with George.

"I see you two are having a good time," George said with a smirk on his face. "Mind if we join you?"

"Yeah of course," I said and moved over to make room for them on the couch. I ended up sitting next to Nick and George, with Clay on the other side of George. I felt George's hand brush up against my leg while we were all moving around. He looked up at me, as to say sorry, and I mouthed it's fine to him.

"So, where should we go out to eat?" Clay asked. He pulled out his phone and began to look at google maps, which I copied and began to do so too.  I didn't know what places the guys liked to eat at, or if they had any allergies, so I kept quiet.

We looked around at each other, waiting for someone to answer Clay's question.  My eyes scanned the boys.  I went from Nick, to George, to Clay.  They were all dressed nice, and all of them looked good.  Especially Clay. He was wearing jeans, like the rest of them, and he was wearing a green shirt. It was definitely his color. George had on black jeans and a grey hoodie on.

"Um, well if Y/N likes Olive Garden we can go there.  I know it's my favorite restaurant." George looked at me with a bit of uncertainty, not knowing wether I'd like his offer or not.

"Yeah, I like Olive Garden, we can go there if you guys want."

Clay nodded his head.  "That works.  Nick is that good with you?" Nick nodded.  Thank goodness.  I loved Olive Garden but I didn't want to offer it because I wasn't sure they had it here.  Also, it wouldn't be a good idea to go there if one of us had a gluten allergy.  "Ok, Olive Garden it is." I glanced over to Clay, who quickly looked away one he saw me looking back at him. I felt myself start to blush but tried to hide it.

We all started to walk to the car, until Nick called shotgun, and started to run towards the car.  George quickly started to run after him leaving me and Clay laughing at them.  They really were children at heart.  I looked at Clay and he just rolled his eyes and chuckled. 

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