10. Waste Of Space In This Game Called Life

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Today is the day I confront Joel but I'm looking for the perfect time to do it.

It's time for lunch and Joel is nowhere to be seen so I check the hallway. I spot him at his locker and walk up to him.

"Hey. We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. Just go away."

"I said we need to talk. Now."

"You can't make me."

That's it. I dragged him to the janitors closet. If anyone saw us, they'll think we're about to do the dirty.

Let's get this over with.

Joel's POV

What is happening?

I'm letting this little girl drag me to the janitors closet and I'm not doing anything about it. I'm not gonna stop her because I'm curious. I want to see what she can do.

She locks the door and turns towards me.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you know what I'm talking about. I thought we were friends but you're just a bipolar idiot that I got to stick with because of a stupid English project!"

"Firstly, I'm not a bipolar idiot and secondly, we're still friends but we don't talk."

All of a sudden, she starts sneezing and I'm concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"I have allergies."

"Allergies?" This girl is something else.

"Yeah. I'm allergic to lies."


"You think that friendship is a joke but it's not. So if you think that you can just mess around with people's feelings, you're wrong!"

I got a little bit angry by the end of that short speech.

"You know what? We aren't friends anymore. We're just partners for a stupid English project. After that, we'll both go out separate ways."

I shouldn't have said that. Why?

She raised her hand and slapped me across my face.

"You're just a waste of space in this game we call life. Have fun alone," she says fiercely.

And with that, she makes her way out of the closet. I'm starting to regret saying that.

Maybe I'm a waste of space in this game called life.

I know this is a short chapter 😔

Amanda's plan to confront Joel didn't go as planned..... Meh

What do you think about the slap?

And do you still remember Amanda's friends in detention? Well, they are coming back * Especially Roman and Theo*



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