Lionblaze: Welcome to top ten ways to annoy Jayfeather we are back with number nine...
Hollyleaf: Wha? Was I meant to say something?
Lionblaze: We went over this last time remember?
Hollyleaf: Nah you said that I was meant to say the number and...
Lionblaze: Just say what it is!
Hollyleaf: *huff, then cheeky smile* It, is a pronoun that is used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified...
Lionblaze: SHUT UP! Number 9 is followers.
Hollyleaf: What like on social media?
Lionblaze: No, literally watch.
*Squirrelflight, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Ashfur, Leafpool and Bramblestar appear in a room*
Squirrelflight: Look I have three followers! *Ashfur, Leafpool, and Bramblestar start following her around the room*
Lionblaze: I have a follower too! *Hollyleaf follows him around because he is holding a crumpet*
Jayfeather: Why doesn't someone be my follower?
Squirrelflight: Nah. Ya boring!!! And ya don't eat crumpets. Who doesn't eat crumpets?!?Jayfeather: But they are just squishy things with holes in them and...
Squirrelflight and Lionblaze: We're like soooo popular!!!
Squirrelflight: CONGA LINE!Everyone except Jayfeather joins the conga line.
Jayfeather: *sigh* I hate this show.
Hollyleaf: Come back next time for the number 8 way to annoy Jayfeather!!!
Lionblaze: So now you cooperate. 🙄