I suck

16 1 3

I do and you can't change my mind



Remi sat on her bed as she scrolled through her message board and notifications when there was a knock on her door. It swung open to reveal the being named Guilt, who was now flourishing in the dark atmosphere of the hermit's room. He walked over to Remi, crawling over her bed and plopping down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her as she whined like the little b1tch she is, the small bean trying to find out which face she could make to express her feelings. Remi was engulfed by Guilt, allowing herself to wallow in the lightless room. The door opened once more, this time the one humans know as Apology waltzing through. Remi peeked through the fabric of Guilt's shirt to stare at Apology, the two of them rooted to their spots. Guilt picked up a struggling Remi and brought her over to Apology, setting her down as if she was just a feather. Remi and Apology didn't have a very good relationship, no, it was more like they were strangers. Apology gave the little rat a small smile and a wave, trying to break the tension. Remi slowly reached her hand out to Apology and she took it, both of them stiffly holding their hands. Guilt was now beaming, happy his friends are working together, and rolled them both into another hug. Remi managed to wiggle out of his arms and slithered over to her bed, opening her computer. She started feverishly typing, wanting to finish before Guilt and Apology noticed she was gone, starting with the words, "Remi sat on her bed as she scrolled..."


because I wrote this for @ Tsuk1yama (don't know if u wanna be tagged or not) and had fun

I wanna do more of these, would people read them?

also idk if it's just me but I freaking LOVE it when authors create that little loop in the last sentence

it just makes it so MMMMMMMMMMM

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