1.I love you|Janiel

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Daniel's POV

« We'll leave you two alone we're going to the movies « Jonah said as he headed to the door Corbyn and Zach following him closely behind.

You are probably wondering why Jonah,Zach and Corbyn are leaving me and Jack alone well it's because I have feelings for Jack and I'm planning on telling him tonight.Everybody in the house knows about my feelings for him except well him.Yesterday I told them about my plan of asking him out tonight.They kindly offered to leave us the house for a night.

Me and Jack have been close in the past few months.We would often sit beside each other at interviews,have cute moments on stage,cuddle at meet and greets and we would always ALWAYS hang out together on breaks.But nothing came out of it except a friendship and I was sick of it.I wanted a relationship with him.In the last few months my feelings for Jack have grown every day.I hope that tonight I can finally get the relationship I want so bad.

« Ok,I hope you guys have fun » Jack said oblivious to the fact that I had feelings for him and everybody knew .

« Jack I need to talk to you about something « I said rubbing my neck a thing I do when I get nervous.

« Sure,what is it?Are you ok? » he asked a bit worried 

« Yeah,well no,uh,I don't know » I said stumbling over my words as he looked at me in confusion.
I decided to just go ahead and confess my feelings for him

« The thing Jack is that I have feelings for you.I have been gaining more and more feelings for you every single day and I have decided that today was the right day to tell you.The reason that the boys are gone tonight is because I told them my feelings for you and they offered to leave so I can tell you. I would love to be in a relationship with you but if you don't that's fine too.I understand it's just-« he cut me off by getting closer to me and placing his lips on mine.

« Dani,I love you too I have for a long time I guess I was just to scared to tell you because I didn't want to get rejected I guess » he confessed to me as I widen my eyes in shock,he chuckled at me and gave me a hug.

« Wow,I didn't know that but Jack Robert Avery,will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend? » I asked him taking his hand and pulling him to my chest and holding him tight.

« I would be honored to » he answered looking me in the eyes before we locked lips.

« Wanna watch Netflix? » I asked him putting an arm around his shoulder. »

« Of course,it means more cuddles »he said excitement filling his voice as I chuckled at his cuteness.

« Ok then »I said as I took his hand and headed to the couch.

We cuddled the rest of the night and fell asleep on top of each other.

Let's just say the boys were pleasantly surprised to see their two best friends cuddled up on the couch.when they came back from the movie theater.

A/n: how do you like this one shot? I wrote this one shot with 40 others back in august but I was to scared to post them. Also the title is very random sorry didn't know what to name it. Janah one shot next. 

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