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Jonah's POV
"Hey cutie how are you love?" A random guy asked my youngest boyfriend,Zach for what felt like the millionth time today. All day people have been flirting with Zach.

I understand that he's good looking and all but he's ours. Me and the boys weren't having any of it. At this point we'll admit it we were jealous. Especially since Zach didn't understand people we're flirting with him. He thought they were just being kind.

"Ok lover boy. I would suggest you back off cause he's taken." I said trying my best not to beat the shit out of this guy that was hitting on my baby. I pulled Zach softly in my arms while Corbyn held Jack and Daniel. Jack had way less self control than I did and totally wanted to hit the man.

"Or what?" He said taunting me with a smirk on his face. Which made me a tad bit more upset but I still didn't punch him. I signed Jack for him to take Zach. In case something went wrong.

"You don't want to know." I said grinding my teeth together. As Jack gave me a worried look cause he knew I was about to lose it. As Zach was cuddled in his arms oblivious to what was going on.

"Actually I do. Because I think I would be a better boyfriend to this cutie than you assholes." He said and that's when I fucking lost it. Not only did he flirt with Zach. He also insulted me and my 3 other boyfriends. That is something that I would absolutely not take. I made sure that my boyfriends were far away before punching him straight in the jaw. He punched me back but not strong enough to hurt me.

I felt myself getting pushed back by Corbs. He gently kissed me knowing that it would calm me down. He took my hand and dragged me away from the asshole.

I realized my 3 other babies were nowhere to be seen. So I gave Corbyn a questioning look.

"There in the car. Zach and Daniel started crying because Daniel hates violence and Zach felt bad that you had a fight over him. So Jack said he would bring them to the car to comfort them." He said to me as we both walked hand in hand to the car. I felt terrible because I made my babies cry. I promised myself that when I would get to them I would cuddle them.

We entered the car and I sat in the passenger side. Not in the best headset to drive and looked in the rear view mirror to see Zach and Dani fast asleep on the back seat. They were cuddled up and looked cute as frick.

"Are you ok Jo? I was so worried for you love." Jack whispered trying not to wake up the sleeping boys.

"I'm fine love. He was just an asshole." I comforted him

When we came back home I took Zach while Corbyn took Daniel. Zach started to slowly wake up in my arms.

"Zach I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to make you cry. " I apologized.

"It's fine Jo. I just didn't want you to get hurt." He said cuddling more into my chest.

"Well I'm fine. Now let's go to bed." I said placing him gently on the bed next to him and sliding in the bed next to him as the rest of the boys did the same. I fell asleep knowing that no one would steal my amazing and caring boyfriends from me.

Wc:600 words
Hey guys I have a new book out called SONG LYRICS(BOOK 1) if you want to check it. I know you can easily find lyrics on google but if you guys want to find new song suggestions you can read my book. I will be posting the why don't we lyrics first but eventually I will go to other artists. So now for the question .


How long have you been a fan of why don't we for.

I have been a why don't we fan since may 2018 but I definitely wasn't as big of a fan that I am today. I liked Johnny Orlando more at the time.

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