37.Lucid Dreams|Jachary

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Zach's POV

Jack left me about 2 months ago now. He wanted to be with Jonah. He told me he didn't love me anymore that he was sorry. It still hurt today. Every time I went to sleep in my bed his smell lingered in my bed sheets. I loved him so much that it hurt and he didn't feel the same way. I was laying in bed awake. I just couldn't sleep without him, actually I just couldn't do  anything at all. When I heard a knock on my window. I was curious since it was 1:45 am. I got up to open my window and show that it was Jack Avery my ex-boyfriend who left me for another guy.

"Jack what the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled since no one was at home but me. I didn't need to worry about waking anybody up.

"I'm sorry Zachy I broke your heart and I know you'll never forgive me but I needed to come explain things to you. I left because I was scared. I was scared because I loved you.I still do and I didn't want to admit that so I ran away. Jonah was just an easy way to do that. I know you hate me Zach but please I beg you just give me another chance. I promise I won't hurt you again,I'll protect you,I'll love you." Jack said with tears falling from his eyes. I could see that he was clearly feeling guilty. I wanted to close the window in his face for breaking my heart like that. But I couldn't bring myself to do that I hated him but loved him at the same time.

"How could you Jack? You left me broken. I lost so many nights of sleep over you because I was crying. I don't trust anybody anymore because of you. I loved you I still fucking do and you just left me because of Jonah. What does he have more than me? Is he better than me? What is it? Why did you leave me for him? I gave you everything I had and you just threw it out because you were scared!?" I said tears full of sadness and anger rolling down my cheeks.

As he just looked at me feeling even more guilty and sad than he was before.

"I know Zachy I was terrible to you and you're right. You gave me everything and I ran away but you know what you're fucking perfect and you deserved to be treatd like a princess. I can show you this if you give me a second chance. Because I hate myself for making you cry. Please Zach please." He said getting on his knees crying.

"OK! Maybe i'll give you a second chance but you need to prove that you want and that you're ready to be with me." I said wiping the tears off my face and helping Jack up.

"OMG thank you Zach and you won't regret it I promise. I'll treat you like the princess you are. Can I hug you? I missed your scent." Jack asked me as I slowly nodded. He embraced me in a tight hug. As I slowly sniffed in his scent.I'll never admit it but I missed him so much and I was kinda glad he came back to me.

In the months after Jack kept bringing me flowers almost on a daily occasion. He kept bringing me on cute dates and just doing cute gestures to tell me that he was sorry and that he loved me. So I ended up giving in. Which was one of the best decisions of my life because he was loyal and caring for the rest of my life.

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