22.Left Out|WDW

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Jack's POV

I have been feeling really left out by my four boyfriends. Recently it's like they don't care for me and they wouldn't even notice if I just left. Maybe that's exactly what I should do leave. It wouldn't even matter if I was there or not right?

Zach is always cuddling with Jonah,while Jonah is cuddling with Corbyn,while Corbyn is cuddling with Daniel. There's no place for me. I clearly don't have a place in their lives.

I took out a suitcase and started filling it up with my belongings,but before leaving I took out a piece of paper and decided to write a letter to the boys.They'll find it when they come back from the movie theatre there at right now. I took one last glance at our house and left.

Zach's POV
I couldn't wait to go back home to see one of my lover's Jack. I know we haven't spent as much time all together,but we started feeling bad about him and we wanted to spend all our time with him from now on.

Jonah unlocked the door of our house and we all followed him inside.

"Jack babe we're home!" I exclaimed but no one answered.

"Jack love where are you?" Jonah exclaimed beginning to climb the stairs where are bedrooms are. All three of us following behind.

I heard a gasp coming from Corbyn as he found a letter on our shared bed. He took it and Daniel quickly read it.

"He's gone! He's not coming back! He broke up with us! He says we don't spend enough time with him. That he doesn't feel loved by us." Daniel said shocked as I started crying.

"What do you mean he's gone? Where is he can we go see him?" I said crying as I felt Jonah putting his arms around me trying to comfort me,but I knew he was sad too. One of his lovers was gone.

"He said he was going at his mom's house,but didn't want us to go see him." Corbyn said clearly in disbelief.

"But we have too. We have too at least try to get him back. We need him the worst thing he'll do is kick us out and we'll be heartbroken but not more then we are now."

"I guess you're right love." Jonah said kissing all our heads softly.

"I'll go buy the tickets." He said leaving the room.

At Jack's house
Jonah softly knocks on the door nervously tapping his foot on the ground. As we all did the same scared of how Jack was going to to react.

"Oh you guys come! I know you would Jack thought you guys would never come because he feels like you guys don't care. But I know you do." Jack's mom said as she smiled widely at us.

We knocked on Jack's door waiting for an answer.

"Mom I'm fine" Jack said groaning.

"It's not your mom Jack it's your boyfriends well ex boyfriends now." I said almost tearing up.

"Leave I don't want to see you guys you broke me." He said choked up by the tears.

"Jack we're so sorry we know we hurt your feelings by not spending time with you. But it could be justified by the fact that we were planning a trip to Paris for your birthday love. We took so much time on it because you're perfect and we love you and we wanted it to be perfect." Corbyn said.

Jack finally opened the door.

"You guys really love me?" Jack said a small smile appearing on his face. He was wearing Daniel's sweatpants and Jonah's hoodie and his eyes we're bloodshot from crying. But that little smile he had on his face could brighten a whole city.

"Of course we love you." We all exclaimed pulling him into a group hug and each one of us pulled him in for a kiss.

"Now can you please come back home. We need you." I begged.

"I'll be home in a week. I just wanna spend some time with my family here. Since I never get to see them because of the band but I'll be back after I promise." He said as we nodded in understandement.

The rest of the night we watched movies all cuddled up just like Jack wanted just like we all wanted.

The next day we came back to LA without Jack but we knew we had our boyfriend back.
Wc: 752 words

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