13.I'm sorry|Janah

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Jack's POV
It's been 2 months since Jonah and I broke up and I just started to move on. Of course I still love him and I probably always will. I have started to stop crying over him and started to take care of myself again. We haven't talked since the day he broke up with me. Which helps with moving on I guess. I do miss his voice and how is face would light up when I had something to say. It's all over now though.

In the last 2 months,I have been close with a guy named Zach. He's super caring and super nice. He kind of reminds of Jonah in a way but nobody can ever be like him.

We broke up 2 months ago because he didn't want to commit in a relationship. He wanted to be free to flirt,to live his life and I wanted a serious relationship a committed one. So I guess we weren't meant to be. We don't want the same things.

I was watching tv and looking at my phone in my living room. When I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and had the shock of my life.

"Jonah!" I exclaimed not believing he was right in front of me.

"Jack omg! I missed you so much.I'm so sorry I broke up with you. I should have never done that. I'm such a idiot. I know it's gonna sound stupid but I didn't realize how much I loved you until I left you." He said almost crying.

"Jonah. I I missed you too but if you want to be with me. We've gotta work on our relationship. We broke up for a reason and I don't want my heart to break again Jonah. You left me so broken." I said to him as I looked at the floor.

"I know Jack. We can work on our relationship. If that's what you want. I would do anything to be with you again because I love you so much. I can honestly say though that I have changed and matured in the last few months." He said to me as he took my two hands breaking the uncomfortable distance between us.

"I love you too Jonah but Why Don't We Just take this relationship slow for now. When we'll be ready we can be official." I said making it clear that I didn't want to be official just yet.

"Yeah that's fine. We can do whatever you want but can I kiss you?" He asked as I nodded shyly. He pulled me closer to him gently grabbed my face and kissed me.

In the few months after our encounter. We worked on our relationship not wanting to rush it but now we were ready.

Wc: 469 words
A/n: hey y'all! Next one shot will be Jarbyn and I'm so excited to post it because it's one of my favorites I wrote. I'll try to post it tomorrow. Have a good morning,day or night and I'll see you next time!

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