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"does it still hurt."

"I don't know"

"Here, have my gimbap" I give him back his plate and sigh, my graduation will start tomorrow, it's been a few days now after I am again self pronounced single

Well, I'm not used to being this worry free

It was night time as me and Mark were eating gimbap on their kitchen table, I had my knees tucked together as I turn to him who had a frown on his face "I know you're trying to cheer me up, but..."

he grabs the back of my neck and slants his face closer to mine, surely, I knew my heart went up hill for a second due to that droopy and somehow rookie like gaze he has

I know, he's not used to flirting

I giggle and try to push him away from me "anyways, as I was-" I gasp loudly when he leans closer to me, our nose come in touch as he started to change the atmosphere


"Shut up or I'll kiss you."

I smile and push him away successfully this time "you're bad at acting Mark lee, you can't fool me" he shrugs and pulls his hand back and leans back on his seat

"Maybe in another story I'll be your boyfriend."

"That's a spoiler"

"I know."

"Anyways" I change the topic and smile at him "wanna go out for some watermelons at the supermarket?"

"Count me in." he stands up and jumps happily, his nose scrunches together with his happy giggles, I wish I could be as happy as him, I've never been in that point

I was, in a way.

But it still made me feel empty

        -Next week-

I look around the venue in hopes to find Jimin and he's still not here, well it's not like he has the obligation to come, we're over, he's free

But I'm still hoping that we would come

I cross my arms and walk around the open field together with Mark, the program still has an hour before starting but it's killing me

The sky isn't in the best of moods and it's turning dark probrably a minute or two. Both of just talked about certain things.

Well, not really certain but it's fine with me

Ephemeral | dahminWhere stories live. Discover now