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yamaguchi tadashi is a boy who's life practically revolves around the stars. he's obsessed with astronomy and star signs and pretty much anything in that field. In his second to last year of highschool, he already knows what he aspires to be; an astronomer. He knew basically every constellation and the names of the most important stars. Well at least he did think he knew the names of the most important stars, until he met a certain someone who proved him wrong.

tsukishima kei, a boy who doesn't really have a set aim in life. In his last year of highschool, he flounders around aimlessly. Completing his classes, having the odd chat with friends and taking care of his dog. He doesn't believe he has a real passion, and never understood how people could be so passionate in the first place. It was a completely foreign concept to him, until he saw a particularly bright boy who seemed like he carried galaxies in his eyes.

"tadashi! Hurry up your breakfast is getting cold!"

An exasperated groan was heard, before a mop of green hair emerged from white bed sheets. The owner of said hair let out a huge yawn and rubbed his eyes, pulling off his covers. He sat up in his bed and took a quick glance at his alarm clock.

'8:51am' it read.

The boy had a look of disbelief on his face. It was the first day of his summer break, and he had planned to spend his morning sleeping in and then getting up at around 11 or 12.

So much for that plan.

He finally managed to separate himself from his comfortable bed and stand up. He looked down at his bed, pondering on whether he should tidy it or not. He decided to do the latter and shrugged it off, making his way towards the bathroom. Eventually he got there, with a few stumbles and bumping into doors. (The boy was still sleepy, you can't blame him). He stepped inside and locked the door behind him, positioning himself in front of the large mirror. tadashi was greeted with his own face. A pair of small, yet bright dark green eyes. A mess of grayish-green hair upon his head and a little freckles that danced around his cheeks like constellations. His nose was short and cute (according to his mother), and lips were pink and plush.

"Congratulations yamaguchi tadashi, you made it through another whole year of highschool and you're still alive! Just a little bit left to go." He cheered to himself through the reflection, sarcasm evident in his words.

He kept staring at his reflection in the reflective glass, noticing the slight droop in his eyes and the dryness on his lips. His thoughts began to wander for a bit.

"yamaguchi tadashi, for goodness sake, hurry up!!"

The boy flinched at his mother's painfully loud yelling and quickly proceeded to freshen himself up for the day.

- - -

tsukishima kei flinched when he felt something soft graze against his left cheek. His eyes shot open and he tilted his head to see what it was. It was only his dog. A pretty pomeranian with sparkling blue eyes and perky ears. Her name was tama and she was kei's favourite thing in the whole world. He's had her since he was just a little kid and he's fell in love ever since. He likes lots of animals actually, dogs just happen to be his favourite.

"Morning girl," He muttered softly, stroking one of her ears. She let out a soft bark in reply and made her way to the edge of the bed, jumping off.

kei sat up in his bed, reaching over to his nightstand and picking up his phone. He quickly switched it on, and checked the time.

It was already 12:23pm.

Man did he sleep in a lot. He wasn't surprised that his parents didn't wake him either, it would've taken up too much of their time and they both had places they needed to be. It was the first day of summer break anyway, so kei was glad he could sleep in as much as he did. He let out a soft yawn, before kicking off his sheets and getting off of his bed. A quick glance at his bed and he decided to do it up before he headed to the bathroom. It looked like a mess. About a few minutes later, he stepped back, satisfied with his work and he headed towards the bathroom, ready to start his day.

- - -

The clock read 5:53pm, and tadashi was currently situated in his room, sitting at his desk and scrolling through pages on the Internet. He was of course, reading about stars again. It wasn't anything new really. The boy had an extreme fascination with them since he was a toddler. Night being his favourite time of day and always getting everything decorated with stars. Heck he even had glow in the dark stars stuck on his ceiling for a while. The only reason why he took them out was because his father told him they were too childish. He ended up checking the weather forecast, looking to see if tonight would be clear enough for his favourite pastime.


Not just with his own eyes, but with his favourite telescope. Yes that's right, he owns a telescope. And not just any ordinary one, he had saved up a heck ton of money just to buy the thing, and it was one of the best of its kind. tadashi loved the thing dearly and treated it with copious amounts of care. Currently it was tucked away in the corner of the garage, safe in its casing. He only used it when the night was perfect enough for him to do so. A few clicks and taps of his keyboard, and he was greeted with the disappointing information that tonight wasn't the night he was hoping for. A few more clicks later and he found that tomorrow, the night would be absolutely perfect. tadashi got all giddy and excited at the fact. It had been a while since the sky would be perfectly clear, it probably has something to do with the fact that it's finally summer. He spent half an hour, reading up on more constellations and jotting down a few things in his favourite little journal. It was coloured a dark blue, similar to the colour of the night sky, and tadashi loved it deeply. He had many things related to astronomy that he put in there, as well as his own personal thoughts and ideas. It was his everything journal, even though it'd seem a bit old fashioned these days because of smartphones and tablets.

"tadashi! Dinner's ready, come quick!" He heard his mother's voice yell throughout the house.

tadashi quickly closed his laptop and shoved his journal into the pocket of his shorts, making his way downstairs to the dining table. His parents were already seated at the table, which could easily fit 6 people. There used to be five of them at that table, but both his older siblings had moved out already. His sister was the first to move out, and it's been awhile since she has. His brother followed her footsteps, leaving a few years after. Which left tadashi alone with his parents. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss them, and the bright atmosphere of the house whenever they were all around. The endless chatter, the smiles, the laughter, they were all precious memories now. tadashi would of course cherish them forever. He went over and sat at his usual seat on the table, rubbing his hands together and deciding on what he should eat. He ended up simply having a full plate of omurice. tadashi didn't really speak at meals, unless he had something to say about school or if he wanted something from his parents. His mother and father usually talked the most with each other and tadashi didn't mind one bit. It was around the middle of the meal when his parents finally spoke to him.

"Ah, tadashi! I forgot to tell you, we've been invited to my good friend Mr tsukishima's party tomorrow night." tadashi's father exclaimed.

tadashi's eyes shot up from the plate half filled of his food as he swallowed a bite.


His father simply grinned, "We haven't been in touch for a while but it turns out it's his birthday tomorrow! I met him earlier this week and boy, it was quite the surprise. Honestly I thought he would've forgotten me. But anyway, he's invited us over to his place for the party, so we'll be headed there tomorrow night."tadashi could feel his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach.


His father's eyes lit up even more, "Oh, and he's got a son around your age! You two could get along and become friends! Wouldn't that be great?" He asked him, still smiling.

tadashi could feel tears forming in his eyes. He wanted to use his telescope tomorrow night, the sky was going to be perfectly clear. He didn't want to go to some stupid party for someone he didn't even know. Heck he's not even good at the whole 'friends' thing. He has probably only two good friends and that's it really. Why did that birthday have to be tomorrow? No, scratch that, why did his father even have to meet his old friend at all?
tadashi was frustrated, angry and just plain upset. He knew his parents well by now and he knew there was no talking himself out of it. Especially if he used stargazing as an excuse. Plus his father would get extremely angry at him.

When tadashi was young, his father only thought of his obsession with the stars as a phase of his childhood. He thought he'd grow out of his fantasies, but they only grew stronger and stronger. When tadashi told him about how he saved up for a telescope and about his dream of becoming an astronomer, his dad almost slapped him there and then. tadashi cried a lot that night. His mother was supportive of his dream but his father was into more practical things, like studying well and becoming a lawyer or a doctor of some sort. tadashi deeply despised those ideas. So after that day, he kept all that to himself and his dad doesn't know he's still at it. His mother probably does, she's walked in on him too many times to count. She would never tell his father though, and that's why tadashi loves her so much. Although it'd be near impossible for her to convince tadashi's dad so she hasn't tried. But it's alright with tadashi, he doesn't mind about it right now.

Back to the present moment, tadashi simply stood up from his seat. He nodded at his father's words, and then ran off to his room. His mother watched as the half finished plate of rice was left on the table, and she saw how her husband's face contorted with confusion. Of course, she had an idea of why tadashi did what he did, but she didn't say a word. She then softly shook her head and looked down at the table, hoping her son would be alright.

- - -

kei on the other hand, was having a rather slow day. He saw the note his mum had left him in the morning, telling him what he could eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and saying that she would be back late. His father? Probably out somewhere with his friends. Speaking of kei's father, his birthday is tomorrow and apparently they're throwing a big party for him. He's inviting a whole lot of friends and family, and kei personally isn't that excited about it. He'll have to live with it though. kei sighed and glanced over at the clock on the wall.

It was only 8:42pm.

He looked down at tama, who was currently sitting next to him on the sofa while some overrated anime played in the background.

"Tomorrow's gonna be quite the day." He mused to himself, thinking about the rush of preparation his parents would have to go through for the party.

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