Chapter 1

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I was reading my books until I felt someone presents I looked to my side and saw my best friend hermione granger I was a Slytherin sadly but we still hung out everyday.

I was reading and heard draco malfoy said "hey mudblood give me that book!" I got up and threw the book at his face and said "you probably can't even read you idiot".

I went to grab a book from my dorm and headed down to the Slytherin common room. I was reading and heard someone come down the stairs and it was draco.

I said "ugh great". He sat next to me and said "well looks who's here of course reading". I said "yeah and where's the book I threw at you". He said "oh here" and threw the book at my face and ran off laughing.

I was angry and said "ugh idiot!".

The next day
I was sitting down and draco sat next to me and said "hey where's that book I threw at you?" I said "over there somewhere so plz go away". He smiled and got closer to me and I fell off my chair and he started laughing. I said " get up we need to talk".

I got up and he took me to his dorm locked the door and said "ok listen mudblood I need your help". I said "I'm not gonna help you!" He grabbed my waist and pinned me to the wall and said "yes you will"

He was aggressive but he was hot I snapped out of it and said "ugh get off of me". He said "so you're gonna help me right?"

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