Chapter 3

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The next day
I came back to bring him to the other stores. I said "omg follow me". I brought him to the store and said "pick out your snack". He smiled and ran and he came back with fruit roll ups". I smiled and he got them and Started eating them." It's only been 2days and I was warming up to him.

I developed a crush on malfoy".

We went to the cafe again and sometime pushed him and he said "filthy muggle" and tried to bring his wand out. I stopped him and said "hey blend in".
I went to a camp over the summer and saw a boy I liked there and I said "omg omg omg what do i do?". He was walking with the mean girl at the camp.
Draco said "why are you being weird?" I said "Draco will you kiss me" he said "what why?!" I said "plz" the boy started walking towards me and I grabbed dracos head and kissed him I didn't think Draco was gonna let me but he kissed me back and I really enjoyed it".

Draco said "do you muggles just randomly kiss someone?" I said "No I just had to" he looked at the dude I had a crush on and he said "Im pretty sure he's dating the filthy muggle".

I said "you're right" he said "Um can we- go to the store and get more snacks". I smiled and said "ugh come on".

Draco In a muggle world Where stories live. Discover now