Chapter 2

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I said "what do you need?" He said "I need to Blend it with the stupid muggles" I said "why?!" He said "BECAUSE don't ask questions just do it!" I said "fine but when schools over.

When schools over.
I said "come draco" he said "where's your muggle parents?" I said "there at work draco".

I took him into the muggle store. I said "I'm gonna get some snacks ok". I got some fruit roll ups and said "here try these". He said "um ok?" He ate it and smiled and said "That's good". I smiled and said " I know!"

I said "oh come on we gotta get you normal clothes".
I said "here try these". It was a hoodie and sweats".
He looked so hot and he said "I look weird". I said "you look ho- ok you look ok". He smiled and said "you were gonna call me hot." I said "shut up!"

I went to change I was wearing a green tank top and shorts. He smiled and I said "you look what you see malfoy?" He said "No!"

I said "follow me". I took him to a cafe and said "ok This is a Frappuccino". He tried it and spit it all over me. I laughed and said "really!" He said "that's disgusting" I said "ITS so good you're crazy".

I said "ok last place today until tomorrow". I took him to the movies and we watched a scary movie he didn't seem scared what so over but I kept grabbing his arm and he eventually wrapped his arm around me and I kept getting scared and he said "chicken".

We left and I said "that movie wasn't even scary". He laughed and said "mhm I had to hold you because you were so scared". I said "well um see you tomorrow".

Draco In a muggle world Where stories live. Discover now