Chapter 4

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We got him snacks and I said "ok let's go to my favourite spot. I took him to a secret hill and he said "this is your favourite spot?! Boring". I smiled and said "it helps me get away from everything".

He said "this muggle world of yours has amazing snacks". I said "well when we go back to Hogwarts I'll make sure I bring some just for you". He smiled and I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me and I smiled and said "did you eat all the fruit roll ups?" He said "yea but I left you one". I laughed and said "have it I didn't want one".

He grabbed so fast and said "ok if you say so". He put it back in the box and said "for later". I said "how do you still have a minty breath like you just ate 4 boxes of fruit roll ups?!" He said "I don't know but it's perfect because you never know when you're gonna kiss someone".

He touched my face and leaned in to kiss me once our lips crashed I felt awesome it felt like the kiss lasted forever. Once he broke the kiss he smiled and said "oh I have to get to my father". I said "I'll see you later then".

I got to my room and was so happy and couldn't stop thinking about our kiss.

The next day I was in the cafe and the dude from camp sat next to me and I said "oh hi Caleb". He said "hey Hayley wanna hang out sometime?" I said "oh um when?". He said "today later". I smiled and said "um" and I saw Draco looking around I got out of my seat and went up to him and said "omg I have something I want you to taste".

He smiled and said "I don't want coffee!" I said "you're gonna try it". I sat down and Caleb said "is is- is this your boyfriend?".

I said "no my"? And looked at him cuz I didn't know what we were. He said "oh Bestfriend". I smiled and he said "so we can go on a date?" I said "don't you have a girlfriend?" He said "yea but-" and I cut him off and said "go ask her".

I turned to draco and said "where were we". He smiled and said "you like me?" I said "no way". He smiled and said "mhm that kiss said other wise". I said "do I have to remind you, you Leaned in" he smiled and said "well I don't like you". I touched his names and said "you so do". He smiled and said "Don't!" I smiled and said "whatever".

Draco In a muggle world Where stories live. Discover now