Chapter 6

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I fell asleep in his arms and I woke up and everyone was still sleeping I looked at draco and thought to myself he's a cute sleeper. He woke up and said "I know I'm cute" I smiled and said "sorry if I woke you up". He said "no you didn't". Everyone woke up and it was late and we finally got to Hogwarts.

We sat all the first years getting sorted and I didn't eat and neither did draco I said "all the fruit roll ups fill you up?" He smiled and said "yea".

I was heading to my dorm and Draco stopped me and said "come to my dorm" I smiled and said "ok". We went to his dorm and Marcus, blaise, crabbe and goyale were in there staring at us.

He said "thanks for everything by the way". I smiled and said "You're cute when you thank me". He said "don't call me cute". I got closer to him and said "but you are". Marcus said "Hayley right?" I said "yeaa?" He said "you're gorgeous" I smiled and said "thank you".

He said "wanna hang later?" I said "um-" Draco said "she can't she's hanging with me". Marcus said "are you her boyfriend or something?" He smiled at me and kissed me and said "yup".

I smiled and Marcus went away and he said "will you actually be mine?" I smiled and kissed him and said "of course"

I laid next to him and cuddled him and kissed him and long kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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