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I walked into the school with my head up. I knew what was going to happen to me. I was going to get picked on by David, but I wasn’t going to let it get to me. But first I needed to talk to Ronnie. 

“Ronnie!’ I said finding him standing at his locker. He smiled. “I’m so sorry about the movie that my brother and his stupid friend interrupted. I wasn’t expecting it and it wasn’t planned. You probably hate me and never want to see my again because I embarrassed you a lot from that. I understand why you ran off I just hope we can be friends.” I said but I regretted it immediately. 

“No.” Ronnie said seriously. I thought he was serious.

“no?” I questioned quietly before thinking I was going to cry.

“No. I won’t be your friend.” He said. “I want to be more than that.” he said leaning in and kissing me right in the middle of the crowded hallway. I felt a feeling in my stomach that I never thought it was possible for me to feel. 

“Wow.” I said not expecting it.

“I wasn’t embarrassed about what happened at the movie. I actually found it funny. I like your brothers and their friends they are hilarious.” He said.

“Then why did you run off?”

“Because my mom called me. I told you that I had a little brother right?” I nodded. “Well he has Autism and she needed my help. It’s not incredibly severe but it’s bad. I’m the only one he will listen too. So I had to rush home. I tried to tell you but you never answered my messages. When I got the courage to come to your house,  you were in Sydney with your brothers and then I came back. But you were in California. I’m sorry about your mom. Your other mom.” He said and I smiled.

“How did you figure out the story?” I asked. I never told him about what happened.

“I talked to Luke and Jai about it. They are pretty cool guys.” 

“They’re my brothers” I smiled, but that smile soon vanished when I noticed David and his crew coming down the hall way. I noticed that Ronnie also noticed.

“Don’t worry about him anymore. As long as I’m here  you will be fine.” Ronnie assured me, but he was wrong.

“Look who finally decided to come back to school.” David said to me. He didn’t touch me or push me because I think he realized if he did Ronnie would hit him back.

“Just get out of the way.” Ronnie said.

“I’m sorry lover boy but this isn’t your hallway. I can roam as I please.” he said and then turned to me. “Did your poor little mommy die? boohoo. It sucks doesn’t it not being loved. Your mom died of vagina cancer right? I hear only sluts and prostitutes die from that?” HE said and I felt the tears come out of my face as david’s friends laugh. I took a deep breath.

“Leave her alone David. She didn’t do anything to you.” Ronnie said. And suddenly the tears were gone and I remebered my moms letter. I was the better person, I was a strong person.

“She is related to swine Ronnie. I don’t even know what you see in her. She is just a dirty piece of scum. Just like her brothers. I bet faggotism runs in the family? Are you a gay girl too? Ronnie must be blind not to see it.” David spat in my face. That was it. I couldn’t handle it anymore.

“You know what David you’re the swine. I don’t understand why I was ever afriad of you. All you do is waltz around this school like you own the place, but you’re really just a jealous coward. You pick on other kids to make yourself feel better. To make yourself look like such a tough guy when in reality you a mindless weak individual. I bet you feel like the greatest man when you call me a whore, or make fun of my brothers? Right? I bet i’m right. You love seeing me squirm when you come near me and flinch every time you say something to me. But it doesn’t bother me anymore David. Your insults are pathetic and your entire mere existence is pathetic. You insult my mother because she had cancer. That is really tough. It takes a whole lot of balls to do that. I bet you don’t even know what cancer is and how many people a day die from it. You’re such a feeble boy I actually feel sorry for you. Luke told me how badly you teased them in school. How you did to the same thing to them as you do to me. It’s actually funny. Gina was right. You’re just jealous. You jealous that they have hundreds of thousands of girls lines up to meet them and see them. How they have fans who scream their name, while the only girl you have screaming your name is your mother because she is so dissatisfied to have a son like you. I bet you’re a disappointment to her.  You could have been a really nice kids too David if you weren’t such an asshole.  You can insult me as much as you want, and keep trying to bring me down but it wont work. I’m not going to leave school like my brothers did because of some jackass of a kid tortured them. You don’t know half the story of what happened in my life or will you ever know.  You’re not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoes or the time. I actually feel sorry for you David. I pity you because you’re not going anywhere with your life. Drugs and alcohol can only be so fun. Once reality sets in they aren’t so fun. You can’t stay in high school forever because once you get out there are going to be meaner, stronger people out there then you, and they aren’t going to take your shit. Grow up David because I know i’m not the only one thinking this. I’m just the only one who is brave enough to say it.”

I said slamming my locker and turning on my heal. I grabbed Ronnie’s sleeve of his uniform talking towards the class. I didn’t even look long enough at David shocked expression on his face. Or the faces of the peers in the school hallways. Before reaching the end of the hallway their was an applause. An applause from the other students and those who heard me stand up for myself. I smiled turning the corner. I knew my mom would be proud of me.

I was no longer a lonesome stranger in a country that I didn’t belong in. I was one of them. I was a Brooks. 

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