I'm will

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"mom," Rory yells loudly as I continue getting ready

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"mom," Rory yells loudly as I continue getting ready.

"What? God. Hi," mom asked in a confused state.

"What are you doing?" Rory's voice slowly started to fade as I walked downstairs.

"Huh?" I questioned as my phone went off. Why would someone be calling this early? "Hello?"


"Tate?" I dropped my toast back into my plate. "Why on earth are you calling me?"

"I just wanted to wish you good luck on your first day." He sighed. "Ya know how tough private schools can be"

"I don't, Tate. How about you tell me all about it never?"


"Goodbye," I sighed. I know I was rude, but he wasn't the person I wanted to call me and wish me luck.


"I remember it being smaller," Rory said as we all stared at the terrifying building in front of us.

"Yeah, and less off with their heads."

"Yeah," I agreed as a rush of nerves made my stomach turn. "Would you two stop" I snapped once I realized we were getting looks. "We are already the new kids; let's not be label as freaks too."

"I love you guys. Call me if you need anything." Mom gave us a huge smile as I rushed away. I knew mom forgot about meeting with the headmaster, which was a fight I didn't have time for.

"Woah," a guy mumbled as we knocked into each other.

"Dude, I'm sorry."

"New?" I nodded. "I could give you the grand tour?"

"I'm not much on tours, but if you could show me to my locker, that would be amazing," I smiled.

"Of course.."

"Andrea, but call me Andy."

"Nice to meet you, Andy. I'm will"


The day was almost over, and I can honestly say that I don't hate it here. I was walking towards the exit when I noticed my sister.

"Rory," she called out, making her and the handsome man she was with stop. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting a ride home from a friend."

"Friend? Does this friend have a name?" She rolls her eyes at her judgemental sister.

"Yes. It's will." She smiled brightly.

"I'm assuming you're going to hook up with him."

"You know me so well," the guy beside her finally made a noise. "Yes?"

"I'm just surprised you aren't like Mary here," he laughed, but Rory seemed uncomfortable.

"Leave my sister alone, or I'll ruin that pretty face of yours."

"So you think I'm pretty," he smiled, but we weren't amused.

"Okay, Andy, I think you should leave. You can't get in trouble again."

"I'll see you around, handsome."


The ride home has been unexpected. Will was nothing like I thought he was going to be like.

"I'm sorry, will. When you offered me a ride home, I just thought you wanted to hook up." I played with my fingers trying to focus on anything else.

"Don't worry about it, Andy." He gave me a warm smile. "I'm hot, so who would blame you."

"Shut up" I pushed his shoulder slightly. "But tell me about this girl."

His smile grew more prominent, if that was even possible, and his eyes seemed to twinkle.

"She's amazing. You guys would love each other." He laughed. "We met five years ago when she accidentally spilled water all over me. She was so embarrassed, but the only thing I could think of was 'wow, this girl is beautiful.'"

"Woah." My chest tightened at the thought of Ethan. "She's fortunate to be loved by someone so much."

"I'm the lucky one." He glanced at me. "Wanna know a secret?" He pulled a ring out from his glovebox. "I'm going to propose."

"What? I mean, you guys are so young."

"I know, but she's the love of my life."

"Congratulations, will. I am happy for you."

"She lives ten minutes away from you."

"Really?" I was confused. "Maybe I know her. What's her name?"

"It's grace," he pulled up to my house. " but I highly doubt you know her. She's homeschooled."

"Any reason? I couldn't imagine being home 24/7"

"She's pregnant."

"Holy shit." My eyes widen at the news. "Wow, you are a dad? Huh. Congratulations."

"You mean it."


"What about you?" He turned his truck off. "Anybody special?"

"Oh, you mean me being in love with my best friend only to have him ignore me for a girl? Nope. Nobody special"

"You'll find your someone someday, Andy," he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, will"

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