"Its what i get being like you"

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"You two are ridiculous," I rolled my eyes at my mother and sister

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"You two are ridiculous," I rolled my eyes at my mother and sister.

"No, being almost kicked out of school is ridiculous," my mother glared at me.

"Seriously?" I asked a guilty-looking Rory.

"You said you were going to tell her, but you didn't, so I did."

"That wasn't your call to make, brat."

"Whatever." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Great, now we are all mad at each other."

After several minutes of standing in silence with snow slowly falling, Rory spoke up. "So, do we go in or do we just stand here reenacting 'the Little match girl'"

"Okay, look, I need you both to be civil." Our mother rolled her eyes. "With each other and me," she presses the doorbell causing my heart to speed up.

"Hi, grandma" we both smiled at her even though she likes Rory more than she'll ever like me.

"Well, you're right on time."

"Yeah, yeah, no traffic at all," mom told her with a forced smile of her own.

"I can't tell you how much of a treat it is to have you girls here."

"Oh, well, we're excited, too"

"So, I want to hear all about the new school," she pulled Rory away even though we were going to go to the same school.


"It's fine." I cut my mom off. "It's what I get for being like you."


"How excited are you," Ethan asked me as we walked to Luke's.

"For Luke's? Extremely." I gave him a big smile.

"I meant for meeting Rachel." He laughed slightly, but I was confused.


"The girl I'm talking to?" He questioned like I was dumb. "She's coming to Luke's and the sleepover with her cousin Tate."

The girl he's talking to? Ouch.

"Ohhh." I played it off. "Yes, now, I remember."

"And you are still okay with it? Because if you aren't, I'll cancel, Andy. I never want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay, Ethan." I smiled. "I just forgot."

"Good." He opened the door to Luke's for me. "I'm nervous."

"Ethan." The pretty blonde smiled so wide at the side of him. "Hi"


I've never seen him so happy to be around someone—it kind of hurts.

"You must be Andrea."

"Please call me Andy."

"I've heard so much about you." She turned back to the man behind her, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here. "This is my cousin Tate."

"What's up" Ethan and him did a bro hug thing. "How have you been."

"Good." His voice was rough.

"Hi." I lightly smiled.



"You are such a cheater," Rachel lightly shoved Ethan's arm as we played our fourth game of the night.

"You are just jealous that I'm awesome."

They both had big smiles on their faces.

"I'm going to go get some more drinks." I hurried off to the kitchen. I know I shouldn't be upset. He's my best friend, and I want him to be happy, but why do I feel like I'm losing him.

"You should try not to be so obvious." I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"You should try not to sneak up on people."

"Why don't you tell him the truth."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I tried to walk back to the living room, but he pulled me back.

"You are in love with him, Andrea."

"You don't know shit, Tate."

"Huh." He looked me up and down slowly. "I like you."

"Great." I was pulling my arm out of his grip.

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