Twenty Two😍

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J A N E L L E💞

"Kailee when I say no I mean it"she pouted at me. "I wanna go with my daddy"she pouted. "Well too bad to daddy on tour and kayden with his momo"I said."Me wanna go to my daddy"she yelled.I called kentrell and handed her the phone."Daddy"she said crying."Yea baby"he said. "I want to go with you"he sighed. "Give the phone to ya mama"she handed me the phone and walked away. "What kentrell"he looked at me. "The fuck you mean what"I rolled my eyes. "What is yo ass doing to my baby"I shook my head "well 'yo baby' out here talking to kayden friends and disrespecting my momma"he got quiet. "My damn point"he rubbed his face. "I'm on my way back"I nodded then he hung up. "Kailee Alice Gaulden yo daddy on his way"I yelled.
K E N T R E L L💪🏽

I walked in the house and ran up into my room. "Damn what the fuck you do fly here"nene said.I looked at her then grabbed pull off my pants and put some basketball shorts.I grabbed a belt then I walked to leave out but nene stopped me. "Kentrell wait she already has no Tv or nothing you don't have to give her a whooping"nene said. "Nene I'm not allowing you to get in the way on this she not gon grow up disrespecting adults"I said the nene out the way.I walked in her room as nene grabbed my hand. "Get the fuck out the way"I yelled she got quiet and stood at the side. "You wanna be a fast ass lil girl and disrespect yo momo"kailee stood up then I hit her behind. "Ow daddy"she cried out. "You think you fucking grown"I hit her ass with the belt twice.she continued to cry and I looked at her sit on the floor and cried. "I hate you"she yelled.I nodded "I hate yo ass too"I said then walked out.

J A N E L L E💞

I watched kentrell leave the kailee came to me. "Mommy me sorry"I rubbed her head and kissed her forehead. "It's okay princess"I said rocking her back and forth. "I want kayden"I nodded then kissed her head again. "Does daddy really hate me"I shook my head. "Of course not princess we love you daddy just upset and when your upset you say things don't mean like do you hate daddy"she shook her head. "Get some rest baby we can talk in the morning"she was still hiccuping and closed her eyes.I walked out and closed the door.I walked in the room and looked at kentrell.I shook my head and turned away from him. "The fuck you mad at me for"I sat up and looked at him. "Because I told yo ass not to fucking whoop her with that damn belt and why the fuck would you say something like that too her she 5 kentrell"I said. "So I'm in the fucking wrong when I teach my daughter with giving her an ass whopping and I was pissed off you say hurtful shit to me when your mad"I shook my head. "You stupid ass nigga she's 5 your fucking 26 years fucking old grow the hell up kentrell"I said then turned away from him.he tried to touch me and I pushed him away. "I don't wanna be touch right now kentrell"I rolled my eyes.

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