Twenty Six😍

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(Play song)

J A N E L L E💞

Was I having a miscarriage?Was my baby going to die?I didn't do anything but cry. "Nene baby"kentrell called and I looked at him. "At Kayla call the doctor please"he said then I seen every one rushes in front of me.Then everything went black.

K E N T R E L L💪🏽

"Calm down please sir"the nurses said. "No mane that's my wife and my child in there what if she dies"I said.Her mother touched my back. "She's going to be okay and the baby is going to be alright"I cried on her shoulder. "I can't lose her I can't I need her"I said softly. "We not gone lose her okay we not you need to be strong for your kids kentrell"she said. "Ma I cant even think straight what if you she leaves me I can't function with out her"I cried. "What happened to my fucking sister"quis ran in and said.I wiped my face and looked at him. "She was in kailee room cause kailee was showing her what jayda had bought her and kailee ran upstairs to me saying nene had something coming down her leg I thought she was about to have the baby but she was only 7 months and then I walked downstairs she had a pool of blood under her and she just stood there and cried she was....frozen"I said.I pause and took a deep breath. "Then I didn't know what to do so I called Ben and them and I called Kayla,Jayda,and Regina then Kayla said she was gonna call you wen we got here and now we haven't heard anything"I said.I seen him breaking down. "Ma is we gon lose her or the baby"she hugged him and Kayla came and hugged him. "We don't know baby"she said.

D O C T O R👩🏽‍⚕️

"Come on janelle don't give up on me or this baby"I said. "Hurry the fuck nurse Caldwell"I yelled.She ran her into the ER. I put my mask on my face and began to cut her stomach open. "What do want me to tell the family"I look at her. "Tell her father miracle worker he'll understand"she nodded.

NURSE  C A L D W E L L👩🏼‍⚕️

"Excuse me"I said.They all looked at me "can I talk to the father of janelle"he stood up and walked to me. "Doctor Harris said something about me telling you Miracle worker"him and his wife looked at each other. "Thank you so much"I nodded and walked back into the ER room.

A N T H O N Y👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

"What does that mean dad"I looked at all them. "Janelle was born she was 5 months earlier then what she was and the doctors said she wasn't going to make it and doctor Harris is the same doctor that was there with your mother and I making sure that Janelle made it and was able to come home with us"I seen eve wipe her eyes.I pulled her towards me and I kissed her head. "Janelle was in the hospital for about 9 months and doctor Harris didn't get any sleep until she knew Janelle was going to be alright and she called Janelle her Miracle worker because that was he first time working in a hospital and she's had now been working her for nearly 30 years and she's not going to rest until she knew the baby and Janelle is going to be okay don't worry son that's and angel in there making sure your family is going to stay together"he nodded looked at the wall.

K E N T R E L L T H O U G H T S💪🏽💚

Momo if I do lose janelle can you please keep her safe up there.Or can you show me a sign that their is a god and tell him keep my babies alive I need her we just got married every was so perfect momo just protect her soul right now.

Never Forgotten[Book 2]😍|NBA YoungboyWhere stories live. Discover now