What's up I'm Kellin I'm 19

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"Alright guys, as you know Mr. Perry is out on paternity leave since he and his wife just had a baby. When the substitute arrives I expect nothing more than you all to be respectful and kind. Let's show Mr. Fuentes how we do things here at Mission Bay," said our vice principal Mr. Lucker. I was ready for this year to go by quickly, my boyfriend had just dumped me, my brother was leaving for the army, and my moms gonna be in Oregon visiting family basically the whole rest of the semester. I'm a senior now and I want nothing more than to leave for SDSU, me and a couple buddies got accepted there through a music scholarship and are planning on forming a band. We have a couple songs and play at a few cafes already so we're gonna make it big. We're in our last two months of school so it's coming quicker then we know.

"Alright Mr. Fuentes here's your temporary class," I heard while I was writing in my journal. I looked up to see an absolute fucking top with longer curly brown hair, tight black jeans on, and a button up shirt. There was absolutely no way this was the substitute.

"Hey guys," he said in a high pitched voice, "I'm Victor but you guys can call me Mr. Fuentes or Mr. Vic," he responded quickly. He seemed nervous and I could tell.

"Alright," he took a deep breath so I'm gonna start taking roll so uh, Ben?" I zoned out, I couldn't stop checking him out. There was no way he wasn't gay, he had to be. I found myself looking him up and down checking out his ass, it was nice and plump. I made my eyes back up his body to catch him looking at me too. We locked eyes and I started to blush

"Kellin Quinn," he asked, I quickly realized he was calling my name.

"Oh yeah uh here, my bad," he looked away nervously and cleared his throat, continuing to take roll. For the rest of the class we avoided eye contact and I refrained from answering any questions about the course. The bell rang and everyone jumped up from their seats, this was the last period of the day so I didn't mind taking my time, either way it was hard getting out of the parking lot with everyone trying to do it all at once.

"Alright you guys have a good rest of the day and weekend, I'll see you all Monday," Vic yelled as everyone was rushing out the door.

"Kellin, come here for a second," I smirked. This was gonna be my chance to make a move, I continued to smirk and walked over to him.

"Yes Mr. Vic?" I asked flirtatiously, he blushed, one point: me.

He cleared his throat again, "Eh-hem you can't look at me the way you did, that was highly inappropriate, I'm going to have to go to your vice principal next time it happens, understand?" He asked me cautiously, I can tell he was trying not to sound too dominating.

"Yeah sure, whatever," I replied with a wink and began walking off, I decided to be a little more bold and drop my keys as I was walking out the door. I bent over to pick them making sure to look back to see if he was staring at me. As I thought, he was, he quickly looked away and cleared his throat yet again. I let out a chuckle and left for the day. Two points.

I got home and was greeted with a note that read, "Hey Kellin, left for the weekend - be back Monday" signed, "the best brother of the two, Justin". Cool a house to myself, I was quickly brought out of my thoughts to the house phone ringing.

"The Quinn's," I said wondering who it could be.

"Hi I'm looking for the parents of Kellin Quinn, I'm his AP English teacher and I need to discuss some things about his test scores. Who am I speaking with?" I saw this as a opportunity to mess with him.

"Yeah this is uh Matt, Kellin's father" I said in a deeper than usual voice, Matt wasn't even my dads name and my dad left when I was three.

"Hello! So I see your son has aced nearly every English assessment he's had to take, so far" I haven't, hes lying,  "and I was wondering if I could come by sometime and offer him some suggestions, information, and resources for San Diego State University and other private universities around the country that have taken interest in him," I haven't applied anywhere except SDSU, he's lying again? What was he trying to pull, "I was wondering if you had any openings to meet as a group either today or tomorrow?" He finally had finished speaking.

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