Chapter 4 Class Starts

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You've decided you're going to tell the class you're from the future. You feel bad for dancing around the question earlier with Auntie Ochaco.
You think this will probably be for the best because you will be able to be honest about why you can't tell them much. They'll understand that you're afraid of changing the past. And they hopefully won't bother you too much when you're 'not allowed to tell them.'

Ochaco let you borrow her uniform until your ones are delivered. (Okay, if you like wearing skirts then just skip this part.)
Unfortunately it was a skirt. You guess you just hadn't noticed that the uniform had changed slightly from your time. Girls had to where skirts and there was only two types of uniforms, the normal and then sports.
"Ugh. I hope I can just steal some of the boys pants later on." You grumbled. Ochaco gave you a confused look.
"Why would you steal pants? That's kinda gross." She questioned.
You quickly assured her it wasn't like that.
"It's just that, well..." You wondered if you should tell her about being from the future now so you can properly explain or if you should tell her at the same time as everyone else so that you don't inevitably answer the same questions.

"Where I come from, we have much more variety in our uniform, and girls are allowed to wear pants if they want." You explain, hoping that she'll understand more when you tell everyone 'where you come from'.

You both began walking out of the dorm and to the school building.

"Really? That sounds amazing! It would definitely stop Mineta from trying to look up our skirts all the time." Ochaco complained

Maybe that's why the uniform changed? You wondered.

"Yeah, we get pants, shorts, dresses, ankle length skirts and even things as replacements for the blazers! Sweaters, varsity jackets, rain jackets, oh! And we have caps and sun hat-" you stopped when you saw you were at the classroom.

Ochaco smiled and waved to you as she went inside and took her seat. You noticed a few students eyeing you as you stood by the door.

"So, have you decided on an alibi or are you just gonna tell the truth?" You heard a gravely voice from behind you.

You jolted and quickly turned around to see your new teacher Aizawa sensei, but he was- in a sleeping bag?

"U-uh yeah! I'm telling the truth. I don't like lying so if they know why I can't answer certain questions then-"

"Sure whatever." He grumbled, shuffling past you into the class. (How does he even walk in that thing?)

"Alright class today we will be having a new student joining us. We don't know how long she'll be here so make sure she has a welcome stay." Aizawa spoke, an obviously word for word copy of some rehearsed introduction.
"Please introduce yourself." He mumbled as he shuffled out of the way for you to stand out the front.

You nervously entered the room. Immediately noticing the younger version of your Dad, right behind the younger version of your Papa.
You tried not to stare for too long and instead looked at your feet.

"Hello. I'm from the future." Instantly you saw several students eyes widen in surprise.

"Yesterday, or well, in the future- I was hit with a quirk that send me here. Umm due to I guess, safety reasons? I can't tell you what my family names are but you can all call me (y/n)"
it was silent for a few moments. You looked over at your parents.
Your Dad was obviously already mumbling and writing frantically in his book, probably working out what kind of questions I would be allowed to answer. And Papa had a look of slight surprise but understanding, probably in terms of why you refused to tell him your family names.
You looked over to Ochaco and she had the same look of realisation.

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