Part 3

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It was now the next day and I was still confused from yesterday.
That was my first time meeting my tailed beast.
Why did she warn me? Is someone coming?
I guess I won't know until it happens.
My mother was already downstairs with breakfast when I came down.
"Feeling better?" Her eyebrows raised.
I nodded as I stared into her purple eyes.
Something about her doesn't seem right.
"What is it?" She frowned.
"You seem off, I can tell by your eyes," I sat down.
"Observant as always," she laughed.
She sat down before she spoke.
"Well you asked yesterday if I was ever a shinobi," she sighed.
I nodded my head.
"I only told you half my answer," she bit her lip.
I slightly glared at her.
"Oh hey don't give me that look. Anyway, it was true that I never wanted to be a shinobi. But that doesn't mean I don't hold any power," she took a deep breath.
Now I'm curious, what's she gonna say?
"You are probably well aware of what a Kekkei Genkai is, well I have one," she shrugged.
My mouth dropped.
"You see, these eyes I have often told the village which clan had the power we hold," she pointed at her eyes.
"Well what is it mom?" I asked.
"It's called dragon life reincarnation, which basically means I can use my life to transfer to someone who's dying at any time," she explained.
"That's amazing," I said in awe.
"Now eat up, Tsunade is taking you too school," she patted my head.
I rushed to finish my meal as I heard Tsunade come in.
"Thank you for the food," I lowered my head and grabbed my bag as I ran outside.
"Look at you squirt, getting so big!" Tsunade teased.
"As of now, you're looking at the next kunoichi that'll be just as amazing as you," I said proudly.
"Is that so?" She laughed.
"Mhmm, just you watch," I grinned.
"Oh how I missed you," she took my hand.
"You should come by more often then," I suggested.
"You know, when I first met you're father, he said then dumbest thing to me," she shook her head.
"Really what is it," my eyes widened.
"He said, 'my names jiraiya, you can write the love letters later' and from that moment on, I felt like he was going to be trouble," she smiled.
"What an embarrassment," I smacked my head.
We kept talking until we reached the academy.
She walked me to the door and kissed my forehead.
"Have a great day," she smiled as she walked away.
I waved and walked to my classroom to my previous spot.
"Good morning Osami," Rin said cheerfully.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"Where's Obito," I looked around.
"Probably late, as always," Kakashi said as he walked by our desk.
I laughed, I wonder if there will ever be a day that he's on time.
Surely enough five minutes after class started Obito had ran into class saying how there was some old lady who needed help crossing the road.
I shook my head back and forth and turned my attention back to our sensei.
"Today we'll start with some basics such as shuriken practice," Tetsu Sensei said as he led us outside.
Everyone had started to line up and one by one we all took a shot.
Our target was just a piece of wood.
Easily I aimed and threw the shuriken like how Uncle Maru taught me so.
He said to have your elbow centered with your target and fire at the moment your eyes have locked.
Doing so I nailed the piece of wood on my first try.
"Not bad Osami, not bad at all," Sensei said as he wrote on his clipboard.
"Osami that was amazing! Mine barely even left my hand," Rin clapped.
"I've just practiced a lot, no doubt, by next week you and I will be hitting targets in no time," I smiled.
She was about to say something when someone else hit their shuriken only centimeters apart from mine.
The only one who probably could do that is most likely Kakashi.
My head peaked over and sure enough it was Kakashi.
"Alright good," Sensei nodded.
After that we kept repeating our practice until everyone had hit the wood or nearly hit the wood.
It took awhile but eventually everyone got there, or almost everyone.
"Come on Obito, you can do it!" Rin cheered.
He smiled and got a boost of confidence from her cheering.
With that help he hit the target finally and we could all finally return to the classroom where we would just study some jutsus.
But all of it was just child's play really.
I learned all of this or well observed it when I watch my father, Aunt Tsu-Tsu, and Uncle Maru attempt to give me lessons.
Most the time those lessons ended up with Tsunade hitting my dad and Orchimaru ignoring them while taking me to get dango.
Though most the time they fail, I was still observing each hand sign and their positioning.
I didn't mean to act like a know it all, but I was one because I just had more training than most.
"Kakashi, Osami, you two will be partners," Tetsu Sensei read out loud.
Partners? For what?
I nodded and figured it was for sparing or something.
"Tomorrow your partner and you will spar with each other during our taijutsu training," Sensei stated.
I was right, seems easy enough.
But today we're just working on ninjutsu.
"See this jutsu was on your test yesterday," Tetsu Sensei performed the shadow clone jutsu, "can anyone name it?"
I raised my hand.
"That's the shadow clone jutsu, a jutsu that allows the user to create a copy of themself and evenly disrupt chakra within each clone that has been used," I explained.
"Very good, now what about this," Sensei said as he turned himself into another Sensei.
The whole room gasped as if he had done something amazing.
"That's a transformation jutsu which allows yours chakra to transform you into a making an exact copy of someone's appearance, like this," I stated as I used the same jutsu to transform into our Sensei.
This one was an easy one because my dad did it while showing me he could turn himself into Tsunade or Orchimaru.
"I'd expect nothing less than the daughter of a legendary sannin," our Sensei smiled.
"Seeing that Osami already presented the transformation jutsu, let's see if everyone can produce a shadow clone," he announced.
Honestly the only ones who can probably produce a clone in this room is Kakashi and myself.
Everyone else isn't like us.
We're different from them, and not because our parents are known throughout the nation, but for another reason that I just can't quite figure out.
Kakashi produced multiple clones that were scattered across the room while some produced mini clones or even a halfway version of a clone.
"Osami how did you do that so easily," Rin asked breathless.
"I just watch my dad and his friends as they attempt to give me lessons," I shrugged.
"That seems fun," she smiled.
"It is!" I responded as I thought back to each lesson.
"Oh, by the way, a group of us always play at the playground at least once a week, we'll be there tonight if you want to join," Rin invited me.
A smile formed on my face as I nodded yes.
She smiled and turned her attention to Kakashi who was dealing with Obito.
Those two, they would make a good team.

"Mom," I asked as we walked from the academy.
"Yes?" She looked down.
"My friend invited me to go to the playground today and play with the other kids, can I go?" I raised an eyebrow.
I never had friends like most people do, because my days were spent either training or with my mother.
"Of course," she smiled.
I have a half lipped smile as I thought about it.
I wonder who all is going to be there.
At least I'll have Rin.

"Alright do you want your dad or me to walk you?" Mom asked as she started to hand me my shoes.
"I can take her," a voice from the doorway said.
"Uncle Maru," my eyes widened as I ran to greet him.
"Are you sure?" My dad crossed his arms.
"I'll be passing the playground anyway so it's completely fine," he reassured them.
"Well I guess Orchimaru is going to take you," my mom shrugged her arms.
"Sounds good to me!" I gave a thumbs up.
They laughed and I rushed to put on my shoes.
Uncle Maru waited at the door and held out his hand, I took it.
"Bye!" I waved towards my parents.
"We'll pick you up before dinner," my dad called.
"Don't get your outfit dirty," my mom scolded.
"Yeah yeah, come on Uncle Maru," I said as I started to run.
"Slow down, they playground isn't going anywhere," he laughed.
"You don't know that," I glared.
"Just like your father," he shook his head.
I rolled my eyes but decided to just walk alongside instead.
Uncle Maru wasn't like my dad or Aunt Tsu-Tsu, he gave a different feeling.
It wasn't as warm or comforting, but in all I never held it against him, it could just be my imagination.
We kept walking until we reached the playground where I saw more kids.
"Thank you!" I waved as I ran to the other kids.
"Stay safe, Osami," he held out my name.
Strange, but oh well.
"Osami you're here!" Rin giggled as she took my hand.
"We're just waiting on one more person," she said.
"Who?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

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