Part 24

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When my eyes landed on the beaming bright red hair and a glimpse of yellow hair, it felt peaceful.
As if a puzzle had connected back to each other.
"Well, it's been a while," Minato Sensei smiled.
A smug look came onto my dad's face and he simply placed a tight hand on my shoulder.
"Osami, how about you and Kushina go catch up," my dad gestured.
Minato and Kushina Sensei nodded at my father's words.
"Come on Osami," Kushina Sensei smiled.
I was confused but brushed it off.
"Right," I said as I walked towards the door, breezing past both my sensei's when the unexpected happened.
The seal on my arm wasn't burning like it usually would if I were to walk past Kushina Sensei.
I stopped and paused, checking my arm, but there was nothing.
Kushina Sensei was still a jinchuriki or else she would be dead.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Oh, nothing, let's get going," I mumbled as I kept walking.
I stayed quiet while Kushina Sensei talked my ear off.
But I didn't mind.
We walked over to a dango shop where we sat down to order as we were served with piping hot tea.
"So, how was your training?" She smiled.
"I think there were some positives and negatives, but it was mostly filled with positives. Plus we put more effort into training my body as a vessel for the five-tails," I shrugged.
"I'm glad to hear that y'know!" She lightly punched me.
We stayed silent for a little bit and I questioned whether or not if I should ask her about the nine-tails.
Something in my pushed out what I was thinking before I could even process it.
"Kushina Sensei, I was wondering if you're still the nine-tails jiinchuriki?" I asked as I slapped my hand over my mouth.
She gave me a puzzled look before she started to burst out laughing.
"Of course I am silly, what makes you think I wasn't?" She held her stomach in laughter.
"I was just curious," I brushed it off.
"You're an odd one," she smirked.
I nodded and thankfully our plates of the tricolor dango were served.
After that our conversation just carried out naturally.

For what seemed like only a few seconds had turned into about an hour or two of talking until both Minato Sensei and my dad arrived at the dango shop.
We greeted both of them with smiles and they sat down next to us ordering their own plates of dango.
Our previous conversation had turned into an adult conversation and that was my cue to leave.
Before anyone could stop me I thanked both Minato and Kushina Sensei.
My dad scolded me as I took off running through the streets of Konoha.
I was given strange glances, some were out of shock and others disgust.
As a jinchuriki you're used to the all the disgusting looks you were given, I mean in their eyes, we're all monsters.
Even if I was the daughter of a legendary sannin, they only saw me as the monstrous five-tails.
It was a sad reality to others, but it was my normal.
Though one of my worst qualities was how much my thoughts consumed me.
I was so stuck in my head that I didn't even realized I had bumped right into someone.
"I'm so sorry," I frantically apologized as I brushed my hair out of my face.
"Osami? It's been awhile," they replied.
I frowned and took a good look at them before I realized who it was.
"Genma?" I frowned.
"The one and only," he smirked as his toothpick hung out of his mouth.
It didn't occur to me that I would see any of my old classmates, but I was glad that I did.
"What's got you in such a hurry?" He asked.
I was about to speak when my name was shouted from behind me.
"Sorry! Gotta go! See you later," I waved as I ran past him.
"Uh, bye?" He gave a confused look.
"OSAMI, GET BACK HERE," my dad yelled as he chased behind me.
I darted off into the woods only to trip and tumble down a large hill.
I was covered in dirt and my hair was like a birds nest.
I should really consider doing someone with my hair.
Small coughs escaped me as I stood up and looked around.
"Where am I?" I said to myself as I started to walk.
I recognized the woods and forest but I just had never spent that much time here.
Off in the distance I heard voices which meant I was still close to the village.
But the voices were far off and I could barely hear them.
I stared up at the hill but it was a lot steeper than I thought it was.
"Hello there little one," a croaked voice spoke.
I spun around and saw a fragile old lady.
"Oh, um, hi?" I questioned.
"Would you be a dear and help me up that hill?" She gave a gummy smile.
"Of course," I nodded as I walked near her.
As soon as I took a step near her, I felt a sudden change in chakra.
I darted backwards and threw a kunai at her.
She dodged it but had an evil grin plastered on her face.
"I guess it's true that you're the daughter of Jiraiya himself," she spoke before she transformed.
There I was faced with a shinobi from the village hidden in the stone.
It brought back memories when I had first encountered the two shinobi's from the village hidden in the stone from about three years ago.
"What is that you want and how did you get past the village gates," I spat as she swung at me.
"Well it's you I want, you are the five-tails jinchurki after all," she licked her lips.
"Like you'll get me," my eyebrows furrowed and I swung a punch.
She dodged but I flattened my hand and hit her directly at the top of her neck.
I hit her hard enough to knock her out but I took a precaution and disabled her arms and legs for the time being.
"That was too easy," I mumbled but picked her up and swung her over my shoulders.
"OSAMI, WHERE ARE YOU," my dad yelled.
"Over here, down the hill and to your left," I called.
He ran down the hill and I saw the look of worry one his face disappear.
"Don't go running off like that," he brought me into a tight hug.
"I guess that's why you were running after me," I said sheepishly.
"Minato had said something about you being targeted and then it got sent through that someone after the five-tails sneaked into the village," he picked up the girl I was carrying.
"I'm sorry," I apologized.
"It's fine, but you can't be all reckless. You're a target for not only being the five-tails jinchuriki but for also being my daughter," he sighed.
I dropped my head, I should have known better.
Second day back at the village and somehow I had already screwed it up yet again.
"I'm taking her to interrogation, go on home would you?" My dad glanced back and forth.
"Yeah alright," I mumbled as I walked up the hill.
We parted ways but a cloud of guilt hung over my head.
I'll get scolded for being so dirty, but who knows.

It was the next morning when I had set out on an early morning training.
Mainly to clear out my head.
When I had returned home last night my mom nearly fainted from probably worry and the filth I was covered in.
She tried to stop me from going out again this morning but I refused and still went for it.
And here I am, jogging laps around the outskirts of Konoha.
Each lap pushing myself with a different challenge.
Whether it was target practice or strengthening my weaker jutsus.
It put a real strain on my body but that was exactly what I had needed.
Something to get my blood and chakra moving.
No point in sitting around waiting for something to happen.
Though I had lost track of time.
I kept at this for hours and I could feel an overuse of chakra coming if I didn't take a break.
In the distance I heard my name being called.
"Great, now I'm hearing things," I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of water and climbed into a tree.
My name was still being called and started to become closer to me.
I frowned and peaked over my shoulder where I saw Minato Sensei.
"Minato Sensei?" I questioned as I hung onto a branch .
"There you are! What do you say about being my student again?" He waved me over.
I dropped down to the ground and gave him a puzzled look.
"But I'm already a chunin," I placed my hands on my hips.
"Well you're aiming to be jonin next right? So why not let me help you get there," he smiled.
"That seems rather suspicious don't you think," I raised an eyebrow.
"The decision is yours, we start next week at the crack of dawn if you're up for it," he winked and took off.
"Where exactly?" I called.
"You're a smart girl, you can figure that out," he said before he dashed off somewhere.
I glared but went back up to my tree and closed my eyes.
What is he planning?
Maybe Kushina Sensei will be there too.
"Or my stupid dad had something to do with that," I huffed under my breath.
"Stupid old pervert," I mumbled as I slowly drifted off.
"Who's a stupid old pervert," my dad stared at me as he hung over me.
My eyes widened and I swung a punch at him causing him to fall head first into the ground.
I gasped and jumped down where he laid.
"Are you okay?!" I shook him aggressively.
"You would make a horrible medical ninja, you know that?" He coughed.
I dropped him and he hit his head on the ground again.
"Will you cut that out? I swear you have your mother's temper," he snarked.
"You're fine," I rolled my eyes.
I started to walk back towards the village as my dad scrambled behind me.
He was as annoying as ever.
"What is with you," he swatted at my back.
"Nothing, what's up with you," I crossed my arms.
"Well you put your mom under some stress, you could be a little nicer," he sighed.
"I just wanted to clear my head, that's all now will you leave me alone?" I started to walk faster.
He flicked me in the forehead and stuck to my side like glue.
Well there goes that plan.

A week had passed by and I woke up earlier than I wanted to.
I guess that was my body's way of telling me to go meet Minato Sensei.
I was still uneasy about that, something there didn't seem right.
The jonin exam was much like the chunin exams. Though it included five tests, and you had to have an application of recommendation in order to even qualify.
The jonin exams included a written test, two forests of death test, some one on one battles, and a real life disaster.
I had a plan to practice for each test, but I guess having extra training wouldn't hurt.
It would also be a few years till I could earn the title of jonin.
I think another requirement included being over the age of ten.
It was an odd one but made somewhat sense.
That being said I might be late to Minato Sensei's odd request.
I said bye to my mom as I left and started to run towards the training grounds, hoping that was where Minato Sensei was located.
As I ran within the busy streets I thought I saw a flash of silver hair again but it could be I was just seeing things.
When I started to become closer to my destination I sensed at least four different chakras.
Which could only mean one of two things.
One: Minato Sensei was being ambushed.
Two: Minato Sensei had taken on a team of three genins as a jonin leader.
And unfortunately I think it might be the one I least hoped for.
"Minato Sensei, when you asked if I wanted to train under you again, this isn't what I pictured," I glared as I locked eyes with him.
There stood two genin who's backs were faced towards me, I couldn't figure out who they were.
And the flash of silver hair I saw, it could only belong to the one and only Kakashi Hatake.
Who just happened to be apart of the trio I saw in front of me.
"I think this could be fun," Minato Sensei winked.
Hmph, that's what you always say and it's always the opposite.


yes it's me again.
My grammarly wasn't working and I really needed to post the next part so I apologize right now for any grammar or spelling mistakes  :/
BUT I just wanted to say thank you for 1k reads.
It really means a lot.
And I wanted to post this on Christmas, but uh I just wrote all of it today.
Anyway, thank you again, it seriously means the world to me.
I really only thought I would get one reader which would only be my friend (lol).
And yet here we are.
Anyway, thank you again :)


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