Part 22

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When Kakashi stepped down onto the arena it felt like the whole atmosphere changed.
Everyone could feel it.
He was here to win, no matter what.
"This will be a good match ya know!" Kushina Sensei smiled.
"No," I mumbled.
"Hmm?" Kushina Sensei frowned.
"It's already over," I said as I analyzed his opponent.
Minato Sensei gave me a puzzled look while Kushina's vein in her forehead could be seen.
"That look in his eyes, it's a rare one, but he's already won this match," I slumped to the floor.
"And why is that?" Kushina Sensei raised an eyebrow.
"You felt it right? The way everything changed the moment his foot hit the arena grounds," I tilted my head towards the two genins.
They nodded and awaited my response.
"It's practically beaming from every inch of his body, he's here to win, and his opponent? Their bones are trembling," I sighed.
"You seem to know a lot about him, and you seem pretty confident," Minato Sensei noted.
"Well, I do know a lot about him. Anyway, I should try to rest up, who knows what the match will be like," I shrugged as my eyes closed.
The signal was given and the match began.
Some would say me closing my eyes was immature, but what's the point in watching the match when I already know everything about my upcoming opponent.
I could hear the clashing of blades.
A sharp whimper with the tearing of threads could be heard.
Unlike everyone else, Kakashi can read me like an open book.
Though mostly everyone here knows my fighting style, Kakashi knew even more than that.
And everyone here can assume they know what Kakashi's fighting style is, yet he was still a mystery to me.
Not just because of that dumb mask he wears, he's just so closed off from the world.
Everything about him is like a shut door that I just can't open.
And it only made me crave to know more about him.
Can this match just be ove-
"IS THAT ALLOWED?!" Someone yelled.
I peaked one eye open.
Kakashi had his opponent flat on the ground, he kneeled above him.
One arm was behind the genin's back and the other was in Kakashi's grasp.
I perked up and wanted to see where this would lead to.
"Give up, or I'll break your arm," Kakashi threatened.
"NO," the genin squirmed.
Kakashi's opponent had light orange hair that was styled messily.
His eyes were a beaming stream of seafoam green.
He was quite pale too, and to top it off he had a bushel of freckles that were splattered over his face.
"He can't do that! Stop the match!" Another person gasped.
"Unless Mr. Pao forfeits or is killed the match will not be stopped," Wakatoshi sharply criticized.
The crowd gasp and everyone began to argue.
"Do you think the match should be stopped?" I asked as I looked up to Minato Sensei.
"Me? No. In the real world, if you're in a situation such as this, there's no one there to stop or prevent what could happen. The privilege of having the title as a chunin has those requirements for a reason," Minato Sensei answered.
"And if you're ever in a situation like this, you have to think smart to gather a solid decision, you hear me? If you were to make an impulsive choice it could end everything for not only you, but you're comrades as well," Kushina Sensei placed a hand on my shoulder as she lightly flicked my forehead.
I sent a slight glare but their words played in my head.
All of it was true and that's the scary part.
"Give up," Kakashi commanded.
Pao shrieked in pain as Kakashi's grip grew tighter and he was only seconds away from snapping his arm.
"Maybe he won't follow through with it?" Someone whispered.
An agreement was followed upon the room until it all went silent.

The room was alluring in a dark and bloody mood.
Everyone was quiet, their fear swallowing at their throat.
The only thing that was heard is the snap of a bone.
Pao's piercing scream echoed throughout the room.
A ringing noise of the clean crack in his arm that never left.
It was followed by a loud thud.
Pao's body meekly fell to the floor as blood slowly seeped through his arm.
Eyes widened and fear had completely taken over.
He did it.
"I-is he...a-alive?" A woman gulped in fear.
"Pao has been knocked unconscious and is unable to continue, Kakashi Hatake is the winner of this round," Wakatoshi announced as he observed Pao and Kakashi's movements.
I knew deep down Kakashi would break his arm, but some part of me had hoped Pao would forfeit.
"At least it was a clean break," I shrugged.
All eyes turned to me in my sudden words.
"It should heal quickly," I added on.
Nobody said a word but I could feel their emotions.
They all differed, though the strongest one was fear.
"Go do your best," Minato Sensei smiled.
"We'll be rooting for you," Kushina Sensei winked.
"You're still letting her go?!" Someone asked.
Minato and Kushina simply nodded at them.
"We wouldn't put our student in a dangerous situation if that was the case, don't underestimate her just because she's small ya know," Kushina Sensei smirked.
"We know her a lot better than you do," Minato Sensei ruffled my hair.
"Osami and Kakashi Hatake, you may enter the arena if you'd please," Wakatoshi's voice blasted through the building.
"Break a leg!" Naoki patted me on the back.
"Or an arm I guess," he questioned.
I stifled my laugh, it wouldn't surprise me if I did break something down there.
"As I said, we believe in you," Kushina Sensei held my hands tight.
"Go out there and become a chunin alright?" Minato Sensei gave me a thumbs up.
"You can count on it," I gave a thumbs-up before I turned and walked away down the stairs.
Each step was becoming colder and colder as I came closer to Kakashi.
His presence was icy and unwelcoming.
But my only goal here is to become a chunin.
And if that means facing Kakashi, so be it.

When I was within reach of Kakashi his cold eyes stared deep into mine.
To say I wasn't scared was a lie.
This was Kakashi after all.
"To go over the rules, this is the final match," Wakatoshi started before he scanned us over.
"Weapons are allowed, perform your best, do not hold back. Whoever is still standing by the end of this will become a chunin," he continued.
Kakashi and I gave unanimous nods as he listed each rule.
"If either of you chooses to forfeit or if one another is killed, there will be NO interference. Is that clear?" He scanned the whole room.
All students and sensei's nodded in agreement while they all awaited the match to begin.
"Any questions?" He asked.
I stayed silent along with Kakashi.
We were both very clear of the rules.
In a sense, it was the last man standing type of game.
"No questions? Well alright," Wakatoshi mumbled as he walked away.
"You may begin in three, two...and one," he snapped before a battle broke out.
Kakashi was quick on his feet and struck the first move.
I blocked his sword with my kunai as my eyes darted around the room.
I sent multiple kunai's towards different areas, each one hitting the clones.
"You noticed?" Kakashi asked as he jumped back.
"I mean you did pull the same trick in our first sparring match," I smirked as wove the signs for my father's flame bullet Justu.
Kakashi noticed and started weaving his signs for a mud wall.
As I blew out the flaming hot bullet, Kakashi's mud wall took the impact.
I knew what was coming next and grabbed a rope from my pocket.
Kakashi's hands were weaving signs fast and it was barely a second before I could match him.
I had taken the rope and tied it around the end of a kunai when I sent it onto the railing while securing it.
Due to my small size, the rope held my body well as Kakashi's mudslide waved under the ground.
I jumped down once the ground was steady and flat while debating my next move.
Before I could think a shuriken grazed my shoulder.
My reaction time was cut in half as a crowd of shuriken pierced my body.
I flinched at the pain but forced my body to move.
Another wave of shuriken was sent my way and I could barely even dodge them as I forcibly removed the ones that were already dug deep into my skin.
"That was a low blow, Hatake," I gave a smug look before I pounced.
His eyes locked with mine and I leaped over him, my foot kicking the back of his head as I landed behind him while he fell.
I took a kunai and slammed it into his clothes, pinning him to the ground.
I fumbled for a paper bomb and placed it directly next to him while I sprinted backward.
Kakashi was engulfed in a pit of smoke as the bomb was set off.
While the crowd sighed in relief I knew what was coming.
I ducked my head and slid to my left as a kunai attached with a paper bomb was sent flying towards me, erupting inches away from my face.
It caused me to fall on my back, but I rolled to my left again as Kakashi could be seen coming down with a kunai of his own.
"What are you, a copy ninja or something?" I raised an eyebrow as I swung my feet around to knock him over.
Instead, I was greeted by a puff of smoke, a clone?!
I was hit hard against my back.
I gasped as my face smacked the ground and I was pinned by Kakashi.
He had my left arm in his hold and my right arm against my back.
"I'll break your arm just as I did my previous opponent," he whispered.
"Should have expected that," I mumbled in anger.
We sat there for what seemed like ages but was merely just seconds.
I debated about what my next move was, whether he broke my arm and how I would continue.
Or if I could somehow escape his grasp.
Either way, it wouldn't end pretty.
"COME ON OSAMI, YOU CAN DO THIS," Kushina Sensei shouted as I could feel her beaming waves of anger flow.
But they weren't pointed at Kakashi, they were directed right at me.
I shivered in fear but it helped clear my eyes.
My legs were still free and I swung back my right leg hard against Kakashi.
He lost his hold and my arms were free.
I flipped my body around and punched him directly under his chin.
He was sent flying backwards and I pushed myself in the opposite direction.
My balance was off but so was his.
A hit like that was sure to cause some damage, I mean the legendary sannin with monstrous strength taught me it after all.
I leaned on my feet and dodged a kunai as a paper bomb blew up in my face.
My hair whipped around and got caught in my eyes.
Kakashi was coming and I couldn't even see.
I grabbed some shuriken and threw them all around me hoping that at least one could throw him off.
At least three fell to the ground but the others I threw had hit a target.
I then waved off the mask of smoke as I was faced with Kakashi.
Both of us stood there with cuts and bruises all over our bodies.
Whoever took the next move, they win.
I analyzed the situation and reached for a kunai.
How is my weapon pouch empty?
With all my kunai and shuriken gone my only hope was physical strength.
I overdid my chakra usage and my arm was burning from the seal and the cuts.
Time was ticking and I was all on my own.
Before I knew it my feet were moving and so were Kakashi's.
We were running at each other faster than I could keep up.
A punch or kick was no good.
Yet my mind went blank.
Our heads were only inches apart before we both slammed our heads against each other.
"A head butt? Was that all I could think of?" I groaned as my body fell back.
We hit the floor in unison and my mind went blank.
I felt like I was spinning and I could feel blood dripping.
And like that everything went black.

"Where am I?" I mumbled as I sat up.
I was faced there with Kushina and Minato Sensei who both had beaming smiles on their face.
I looked to my left and saw Kakashi laying in a hospital bed.
My eyes widened and I realized where I was.
"Oh no," I smacked my head which only ached with pain.
"Let me guess, it was a tie and we both lost?" I cringed.
"The opposite," Minato Sensei smiled.
I frowned in confusion until I saw Kushina Sensei holding a green chunin vest along with a paper.
"Congratulations ya know!" She held it out towards me.
Kakashi was waking up at the same time where Wakatoshi had handed him his vest and certification paper as well.
"Instead of cutting both of you, we figured that you both earned a title as chunin after the great effort you put up," Wakatoshi shared glances between the both of us.
Kakashi and I stared silently at each other.
Normally I would be happy, but was this a win?
"Oh get rid of that face! This is something to be happy about!" Kushina Sensei nudged me.
"Yeah alright," I gave a lipped smile.
I was slightly disappointed in myself, but it was nice knowing I made the qualifications.
"Once you're dressed and ready we can talk about what'll happen now that you're ranked as a chunin," Minato Sensei smiled as they walked out the door.
I nodded and shut the curtain door that divided our rooms.
My clothes were ripped but I saw I had a fresh change of clothes next to it.
It was a plain blue dress with a frog right smack in the middle.
"Of course," I laughed as I slipped it on.
I pulled back my hair into a low ponytail and placed my shoes on.
The rest of my stuff was in a small bag that I picked up and gently opened the curtain as I started to walk towards the door.
"Um, nice job out there," I spoke quietly towards Kakashi as my hand reached the doorknob.
It was silent and I opened the door.
"You too," Kakashi said as I shut the door behind me.
My body was sore and I wanted to slump to the floor and take a nap.
But instead was smothered in a giant hug.
"I knew you could do it kiddo!" My dad tightened his hold on me.
"Don't scare me like that again!" My mom lectured.
I laughed and embraced the hug.
"I say we all go out for barbecue!" My dad smirked.
We all agreed, it didn't occur to me that it was already so dark out.
Minato and Kushina Sensei joined us as well and held quite a conversation on our way there.
I didn't listen all that much seeing it would probably be repeated when we were all eating.

As soon as we arrived at the shop my dad sat down eagerly pouring his saké.
My mom sent a glare but sipped at her saké while Minato and Kushina Sensei just had some water.
The waitress brought out a full platter of vegetables, rice, and of course meat.
We placed them on the grill and I could feel my mouth watering.
"So, there are some things we have to discuss now that you're a chunin," Minato Sensei rested his chin in his hands.
"Now that you're a chunin, you can take missions by yourself," Kushina Sensei explained.
My mom gasped and her eyes widened.
"Now that doesn't mean all of your missions will be by yourself and that is because of your age," Minato Sensei added on.
"You can now partake in any mission that is given to you but you're responsible for yourself," my dad noted.
I nodded my head, slightly overwhelmed.
"If I may ask, will she have any missions with you two?" My mom gave me a worried look.
"At the moment, no. My missions are far too dangerous for her and Kushina here rarely partakes in missions. One of the main reasons she was part of Osami's training was to suppress the five-tails," Minato Sensei spoke in a hushed tone.
My mom looked worried but it was as if my dad knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Listen, she's going to be just fine. There's a reason she earned the title as chunin, maybe she and I can go on a little training journey," my dad smiled.
"Must you go so soon?" My mom feared.
"Give or take, but I think she's ready, what'd you say Osami? You up for it," he smirked.
My eyes widened with joy and I nodded my head to the point I was dizzy.
Everyone laughed and I was filled with excitement.
"Well, let's eat!" My dad smiled and we all dug into the hot sizzling food.
It felt nice to finally have some good food.

The next morning I packed my bag with any item I needed.
Though it was mainly just clothes and basics toiletries.
It was my mom who was rushing and overpacking me.
"Mom I think that's enough," I said as I walked to the village gates
"Just be safe okay?" She kissed my cheek.
"She's gonna be just fine," my dad swung his arm around my shoulder.
"See you soon, Osami," Minato Sensei smiled.
"Don't act too snobbish ya know," Kushina Sensei lightly punched me in the arm.
"Gotcha!" I winked as I turned my back.
My dad and I walked through the gates.
This is where the fun begins.


this was the longest chapter I ever wrote, I mean 3056 words is a lot.
but uh writing the chunin exams was hard.

^^this was how I felt^^anyway, I'm babbling, hope you enjoyed this little arc of mine!

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^^this was how I felt^^
anyway, I'm babbling, hope you enjoyed this little arc of mine!

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