Part 14

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After about a month and a half, my birthday finally arrived.
The first of August.
Which also meant graduation was this week.
"Happy Birthday sweetheart," my mom smiled as I walked out of my room.
"Good morning," I yawned.
"Here, your favorite," she set out a bowl of rice porridge topped with honey and ginger.
I licked my lips as I stared at it.
"Thank you for the food," I practically yelled before I dug right in.
There's very few times that I ever get to eat this and those few times are on occasions such as this.
"Is dad coming?" I asked.
He was still on a mission, after he set out three months later.
She shook her head no as she walked out to the back room.
I sighed, I guess I shouldn't have had my hopes up.
"But he did send this," mom announced as she brought in a small gift with a note.
The note read:

Hey kiddo, sorry I couldn't be there on your birthday. And I'm sorry for how we left things.
Happy 5th Birthday Osami!
Love, Dad (><)

I smiled at the note and continued to open the gift.
Carefully I unwrapped the green paper that was wrapped on a small red box.
In the box was a small frog pin that was next to a plush of a green frog.
"So typical," I giggled.
"Did he get you yet another frog item?" My mom rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, he did," I held the plush tight.
"Alright, well, eat up, I figured today we could go out and find you a new outfit for your genin training," she raised an eyebrow in a suggestive way.
"Sounds good to me," I gave a thumbs up.
There wasn't a rush to get to the stores, so I took my time.
Savoring every bite.
Who knows the next time I'll be able to enjoy this dish.

After breakfast I had changed into my normal day attire and helped my mom clean up the house before we left.
"So, any ideas?" She asked as she took my hand.
"Something blue," I answered.
"Uh, blue? Why not I don't know, purple? Or green? Or even red?" She tilted her head.
I realized where she was going with this.
"No ma'am, purple is your color, meanwhile dads is green and red," I shook my head back and forth.
"Why blue?" She nagged.
"Because, it's a calming color and I just happen to think I look best in it," I winked before I started to scan my choices as we walked into our first shop.
"Alright, you go that way and I'll go this way?" Mom pointed towards the left for her whilst I got the right.
"Sounds good," I let go of her hand.
I browsed the selection until I landed on the blues.
There were so many different shades and colors of blue I couldn't keep up.
"No, no, no," I mumbled to myself as I looked at different tops.
Some tops were too short for me whilst others were nearly longer than my whole body.
"Maybe I should find some pants first," I whispered as I leaned towards the pants section.
All I really wanted were some black pants that were easy to move in, if they were a bit cropped at the end I wouldn't mind.
To my luck I had happen to find a pair of pants that fit my description.
"Perfect!" I picked them up.
"Osami, have you found anything?" My mom called.
"No, just some pants. What about you?" I asked.
"I have a few options, come look," she waved me over.
I walked over to her and saw she has more than just a few.
"Mom, that's like ten outfits," I cringed.
"Oh shush, I couldn't help myself," she palmed my forehead.
She started to show each outfit to me.
But I don't think she understand what kind of outfit I needed.
"I mean they're cute, but there's no way I would be able function in those," I sighed as I started to turn around.
"Fine, I didn't particularly love this one, but here," she showed my another one.
I was in complete awe.
The blue was just the right shade, not to light but not to dark.
It wrapped like a kimono but was cut shorter which would allow me to move more freely and it would pair perfectly with the pants I picked.
"That's the one," I slightly squealed as I took it from her hands.
"I had a feeling it would be," she sighed.
"Here, you'll want to wear these under your shirt as well," she handed me a long sleeve mesh undershirt.
I questioned it but went along.
What's the worst that could happen.
"Alright, let's go pay and then we can browse around the village if you'd like," my mom took my hand.
I nodded and followed along.

We walked throughout the village for a little bit before we picked up some groceries for dinner.
"Alright so that's for the miso soup, and then the rice, and some pork belly," my mom spoke to herself.
Miso soup and pork was one of my favorite things to eat, and on days like today, I can always soften her up enough to cook it.
My mom took my hand as we started our way home.
We had a small conversation but nothing much.
"Go put your new clothes away so they stay clean alright?" She pointed her finger.
"Will do," I have a lipped smile and walked to my room.
There I laid out my new outfit and couldn't help but love it.

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